Friday, January 12, 2024

It's not our fault! We offer our sincere condolences and share your sadness about being forced to become victims of the severe mental health crisis that the White Supremacist military people are suffering from!

 To all of our brother and sisters of all races that are being assaulted by the Closeted homosexual white supremacists military/Brahmin men of science and the  thugs that he hires that identify themselves as "soldiers" and "intelligence community" . Please know, that these men and women are acting against the will of the world's people and without our legal authorization. They are literally dragging all of us into terrible painful problems  because the Law of Cause and Effect is severe , and the people who condone, allow and support  all this crimes against all living entities to continue to take place, will be held accountable in the same way that the current victims of these horrific slaughters  and genocides are experiencing " Due unto others as you would have them do unto you!"  These  closeted homosexual white Supremacist military people have religiously  program humanity for over 5,000 years to adapt to complete evolutionary failure by forcing all of us to disregard god's laws and to comply with their events consisting of  slaughters and genocides  and instead the  closeted homosexual white Supremacist military men of science have force all the world's people with their deceitful manipulation and  brutal merciless  sadistic violence to worship them and to serve  them as a superior race.  All of the current events and conflicts that these  closeted homosexual white Supremacists military men of science have created in all the continents South American, Central America,  Asia, Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, North America, Oceania,  all the Islands on these earth, all of the conflicts and severe problems that the Closeted White Supremacist Military men of science have created are completely illegal! this way thinking and behaving must be exterminated!

 We send our sincere condolences to all the civilian population in all countries where the Closeted homosexual white supremacist military/Brahmin  are conducting horrible genocides and war crimes. There is insurmountable amount of evidence that has been documented in video recordings, audio recordings, and physical eye witnesses that can verify all of the horrible crimes that this White Supremacists military people are committing against the vulnerable civilian population of the world  and yet this parasitic military people and intelligence people dismiss all these evidence and continue to support and allow these horrible crimes against the civilian population of the world, and this White Supremacist military people and intelligence community continues to offer money and benefits for new people both young and old to join their genocider white supremacist military corporation in order to help them to continue  to lie, cheat, steal and support their horrific genocides world wide that emphasize in the horrific torture and sexual assault of women and children. We are all tired of being held hostage by these cowardly parasitic  Closeted homosexual White Supremacist military men that have force all of us to be involve in conflicts that they create because they are absolutely convinced that they are a superior race and that Lord Sri Krsna is a myth and that they are gods that can experiment with other races, and they enjoy torturing and killing  with their weapons, and  they continue to give the illegal authorization to their "thug" soldiers to rape and torture women and children and displace millions of people world wide. 

Although, the current laws that these Closeted Homosexual White Supremacist military men have invented laws that authorize and protect their  war crimes, sexual assault, and genocides, know without a doubt that the laws of god, are as real, as all the weapons that these parasitic human beings are using on the vulnerable population of the world, and that god's law do not protect crimes against living entities! This world is temporary! Our souls are eternal! We change bodies like we change clothes! This may not be enough to comfort the sadness and desperation of being part of the insanity of these white Supremacist military men but know that god is our eternal witness and that  he is fair and just! and that the only thing that we need to be concern about at this point is  "What god thinks of us!" and "What god says about us!" - All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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