Sunday, January 7, 2024

Saphala Ekadashi... At one point or another you had another body that was not the body of a human being!

 ........ for some of us who still have an actual home that has not been blown up or you have not been  evicted or bullied out of a box  by racists, envious deceitful ignorant men, and you happen to live in regions of the world that experience very cold weather. Please, know, that right now, there are thousands of deers that at one point in their soul's evolution, their souls use to occupy a human body, and they are now in the body of a deer. Some of these lower animals at one point or another were also devotees,  Arcaryas or Gurudevas, even demigods, and yet somehow or another they fell into a lower animal specie such as the body of a deer. Write it down! the Law of cause and effect is severe in all levels of intelligence. All souls on this earth are trapped in the cycle of birth and rebirth.   

Being in a world where "Deers" live in forests always suffering from  horrible anxieties of being hunted by both predators,  ignorant human beings or other, and then having no place to seek shelter during the winter months out in the freezing cold, and having to freeze to death is a horrible way to live and to die. This occurrence is not a normal occurrence, or anything to get used to . Is not normal, to have to incarnate into the body of a deer and be punished to suffer horribly. Is not normal for a human being to adapt to this environment where lower animals are suffering around them, and the closeted homosexual white supremacist military/brahmin men of science mistakenly perceiving himself to be greater than Lord Sri Krsna has spent centuries masquerading the harsh and horrific reality that we all face by making technological advancements for his own personal temporary pleasures  and defending his crimes against not just against humanity but  "all life" behind trillions of dollars of weapons and men that he pays to be his body guards,  his lawyers, his soldiers  to rape, torture, displace and kill anyone or anything that gets in his way while destroying the evolution of human beings by injuring humanity's connection with god and programming the merciless abuse of women and children of all races for over 5,000 years and counting with  illicit sex "rape'. Illicit drugs including alcohol, meat eating, gambling,  severe mental abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, financial abuse, spiritual abuse. Over 5,000 years  of  the closeted homosexual white  Supremacist military/ brahmin men of science has religiously  sexually assaulted  both women and children and taught everyone in the world that women of all races are a minority, and that they are inferior and that they are to be hurt, used and exploited in every way possible. And in this way the extremely ignorant Closeted  homosexual White supremacist military/Brahmin  Caucasian men of science has brought about more calamities and severe problems to this already horrible dangerous world that is literally a "prison!"

 The "only" reason why this world was created was for souls that incarnate into human bodies to once again bind themselves to their creator Lord Sri Krsna, and in this way they are able to gain easy entry into the spiritual sky where they continue their soul's evolution under the loving divine care of their eternal parents and not have to ever incarnate in a material universe again. Especially a world such as this one, where right now, as you read this there millions of women and little girls that are "literally"  being forced to become sexual hookers for male sexual predators in most countries of this earth including Iraq, and Iran. These male sexual predators have continued to allow themselves to be programmed and have accepted the illegal authorization  given to them by "the closeted homosexual White supremacist military/brahmin men of science" to continue to be both legal thieves and rapists. It's not normal to live in a world where this events are taken place and the law has been corrupted to such an extend that human beings can no longer do their spiritual unfoldment not only because of concerns about being hurt by the military people and intelligence people that were hire to care for them and to protect them but also because "the  closeted homosexual White Supremacists military/brahmin men of science wants for humanity to continue to serve him and maintain him rather than for humanity to serve and please Lord Sri Krsna your creator. The closeted homosexual White Supremacists military/brahmin  men of science" has gone through great lengths to even genetically manipulate matter in order to artificially create  human beings,  ,  lower animals, , and Artificial Intelligence/robots  that will serve him incase the rest of the human beings that are born out of women's wombs oppose the Closeted Homosexual  White Supremacist military/brahmin men of science current management of every country on this earth and he in turn has to kill most of humanity in his very famous genocides in order to replace them with their pretty perfect Caucasian people that he likes . This way of thinking must be be exterminated and changed. The closeted homosexual White Supremacist military/brahmin men of science have "literally" gone too far.

Right now, there are millions of people suffering from horrible illnesses, and experiencing the most painful deaths, this events are not normal. Before our souls fell into the material universes and then fell into this earth, we did not suffer from illnesses, we did not suffer from hunger, or thirst and we definitely did not eat any form of meat. Eating meat is  literally an abomination.  Being in a human body  on this earth suffering from all these miseries is a punishment for thinking that we are greater then Lord Sri Krsna your creator.  In this world there are millions of slaughter houses where lower animals such as the cow and the bull are being held hostage and tortured  for meat consumption that gives horrible diseases both physical and spiritual. This world is not meant for you to attach yourself to it or to allow yourself to be forcefully programmed to be attached to it. This world is a burning house that everyone and everything needs to evacuate immediately.

Let this Sacred ekadashi remove all attachments to this material world that is currently managed by the White Supremacist extremely ignorant military/brahmin men of science  who are indisputably  suffering from severe mental health issues and some devotees, including, Archaryas, and Gurudevas  who are absolutely sure that the law of cause and effect is a myth and that they have the right to exploit and abuse women and children  in every way possible and continue to teach all the men in the world that they have the right to use and brutally abuse women,  and that god. Lord Sri Krsna is their cheap sexual hooker that they can rape! Let's observe this sacred Saphala ekadashi in a complete state of humbleness knowing that there is something greater than ourselves that will restore us to sanity, and that force is Lord Sri Krsna, god, and he has trillions of names such as Krsna and govinda!  God can remove whatever self willed has blocked you from Him. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All Glories to Srila Prabhuapada!

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