Saturday, January 20, 2024

Paucha ekadasi begins Tomorrow 3:15 am ends January 22nd between 7:14am to 9:12am

 WARNING: Always be merciful! because god is being merciful with you right now! Do not allow ignorant people to derail you from your path of devotion.  No matter how aggressive their attacks may be! There is a difference between karmic expiation and attacks carryout by insecure envious people attacks such as: verbal attacks, mental attacks, emotional attacks, physical attacks, spiritual attacks that are meant to block you from continuing your spiritual practice, Our Blessed Lord will always keep his promise and protect his truthful,  loyal faithful devotees especially His Vaishnabis that have been abused and mistreated on purpose by the male ran administrators of the world that have taught other women to abuse Vaishnabis for them! This world is not meant for you be stuck here! you are "Only"  here to pay your karmic dues, and to do whatever you need to do, such as take people  to court even if they are your own family or your religious associates "Anyone" if they violate your human rights and your ability to continue your religious practice Lord Sri Krsna will support you and your friends 100% as long you are truthful. Whatever, happens do not stop your religious practice!

 Do not allow yourself to be programmed that watching our brothers and sisters suffer is normal! Is not normal, to have to torture other living entities in order to nourish our bodies, is not normal to torture anything or anyone for the sake of technological advancement! In fact this way of thinking keeps our soul locked in the cycle of birth and rebirth! Having sexual desires is a punishment!  Being hungry is a punishment! Being thirsty is a punishment! Experiencing physical pain is a punishment! Having to grow old, while the mind is still young is a punishment! Having to become sick is a punishment! Having to loose your parents your children your spouse your friends is a punishment!  Feeling cold and having to bundle up is a punishment! Our bodies stink if we don't shower that is a punishment! We have to defecate and urinate this is a punishment! We are here because we made really bad mistakes! Like thinking that we were greater than Lord Sri Krsna!  If you are in a human body, that means that you pleased god in your previous life and now you are getting an opportunity to leave this world once and for all.  Lord Sri Krsna will deliver you from the clutches of the  cycle of reincarnation,  if something does not work out is because he is protecting you! Everything happens for a reason! What you may think you want is not what is good for you! When you make god your center, then you surrender to his will and you do your time on this earth doing your best to not hurt anyone or anything! Life is a like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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