"The current laws of the White Supremacists Closeted Homosexual Military/Brahmin men of science protect and support sexual predators in all levels of society the Laws of Lord Sri Krsna, god of gods, original cause of existence and all that is, owner of everything, source of all divinity, maintainer, protector, annihilator of the entire cosmic creation. God's laws do not protect sexual predators of any race in all levels of intelligence in all material universes least of all in this world!"
Programming sexual predators, allowing yourself to be programmed to become a sexual predator and being a sexual predator , and protecting sexual predators is illegal. "Crabs in a bucket!" Fight with all your might to understand your body, your mind and your spirit by rooting yourself with the brutal inescapable reality of the "Law Cause and Effect and the Law of Reincarnation" this will help you to stay celibate and to purify your mind in order to rise out this hell hole where we are all living. Do not allow yourself to be pull down the evolutionary ladder even by your own biological family no matter how close you are, your friends, your AA sponsor, strangers or religious associates ! Get Out! Get Out! Get Out of here as soon as you can! see you there!All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
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