Thursday, January 18, 2024

Busted!!! God makes mistakes and this is very clear!And he gives everyone a second chance because he is merciful but when we commit the same crimes again then it will get very ugly for the devotee! For any man to falsely identify himself as a Guredeva or a vaishnavan devotee after he has been removed from this position because he is a sexual deviant and a fraud and for this man to continue to pray on women and slander women is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord!

 In order to know why all these problems such as all this weird weather, illnesses,  and wars  are happening in this civilization we have to investigate the root of the problem. When women and children's connection with Lord Sri Krsna is blocked by ignorant closeted homosexual greedy men the results are catastrophic!

Violence against women is illegal! It is better to commit suicide rather than to abuse women and children.

To all women devotees that have been attack by sexual predators know that the Law of Cause and Effect is severe! This is what is known to fall under the category of   Any men, that may continue to identify themselves  as   Arcaryas, or gurudevas, or vaishnavan devotees that abuse women  and children in any way shape or form is not a Vaishnavan devotee but rather a fraud, stealing money, property  and land for his own self interest. This practice of abusing, exploiting and slandering women falls under the category of the practice of black magic. "Roosters and hens!"   Vaishnavan devotees are forbidden to slander, abuse and exploit women and children, this means for any men or women  to lie,  to cheat and to steal and to allow and support the verbal abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse, and spiritual abuse of women and children while identifying himself as a devotee or a spiritual teacher. 

 This is writing in all our sacred scriptures and this is the main reason why vaishnavism just like all the other religions have deteriorated and have caused many people to become atheist and to remain imprisoned in the cycle of reincarnation! These crimes are not only subject to be dealt with within the  Laws of men, in courts with attorneys but also when the souls of these men  leave their bodies that they are occupying,  Lord Sri Krsna will judge them severely. Deja Vu! When it rains it pours!  Al right!! you twist my arm! It is time to understand the Law of Cause and effect is not a myth and that no man or demi god is greater the Lord Sri Krsna!  Why don't you smack those vaishnavis around and and kick them too!! unbelievable! We are so embarrassed! It's a problem to kill cows but me and my boys can be abusive to women and slander them! Over 5,000 and counting  of  men that have  been identified  as closeted homosexual Brahmanas/ Military men of science teaching all men in every country that they have the right to abuse women in every way shape or form.  Over 5,000 years of driving women insane and making them sick on purpose by verbally abusing them, emotionally abusing them, physically abusing them, financially abusing them, sexually abusing them, allowing and supporting violence against women,  in order to disqualify women when they seem too strong, in order to steal their life away, in order to steal their faith in god, and take everything, everything,  that Lord Sri Krsna gave all women,  free land, free food, free water, free education, free healthcare,  and these ignorant greedy men have swindled, and  embezzled all these material things and kept them for themselves and their boys after they have destroyed women for over 5,000 years and counting. Over 5,000 of men scamming, and blocking women's connection with the Lord, by using defamation, and slander, and physical, sexual and spiritual attacks, in order to subdue women  and to keep them poor both spirituality, and financially, by forcing them to have illicit sex, by forcing them to become sacred prostitutes, and sexual prostitutes, by forcing them to become pregnant by forcing them to give birth to unwanted parasitic children who have zero connection with Lord Sri Krsna,  so that they continue to fail, and their souls  are  born again in bodies of chickens, roosters, pigs, dogs, cats, and insects and other lower animals. If Srila Prahhupada was alive he would kick your ass too, woman beater bully! You and your extremely ignorant perverse greedy envious boys ruined everything for everybody, and made the lives of vaishnavis harder , more painful, and dangerous than is suppose to be! White trash! Over 5,000 years of this kind of behavior has gotten this civilization near the brink of extinction!  All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gurnaga! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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