Today, December 31st, 2023 we are still waiting for the government administrators to call us so we can initiate the process of shutting down all the slaughter houses in every country! You know our phone number, you know where we live and where we work, you got our emails. You can hire us as your consultants...
.... some people just want to have a simple good life, that includes having the bear necessities that a human being needs in order to sustain his or her existence in this world and go back home to god head. A life that does not include horrible violence against women and children, A life where you can actually walk safely on the street without being attacked, blown up, kidnapped or raped by the people that are suppose to serve you and protect you or anyone else for that matter! A life that does not include the merciless slaughter of lower animals such as cows and bulls for the pleasure of meat eating that is the leading cause of so many illnesses such as Cancers and Alzheimer's disease.
A life where you are able to be homeless and sleep on the street or in a park or in the forest or on the beach and not be arrested or attacked by drug addicts , alcoholics or mentally ill men that have been programmed to be addicted to rape "illicit sex" . A simple good life where everyone has a place to live if they want to live indoors and be able to live with a minimum wage increase of $36.63 a month and with this money you are able to take care of all your bills, including your healthcare, your education, your retirement while sustaining the economy of your own great country! When we make god our center, then we understand that we are "literally" parts and parcels of the Lord! this world is temporary, and is only a stepping stone. The "only" person that you are here to please is god! no amount of money will deliver you from this hell!
Krsna gave all human beings his adored children free land in all the countries on this earth where human beings live, so that they can grow their own fruits and veggies, and grains, land where human beings could have the friendship and love from their brothers and sisters that are in bodies of cows and bulls and they could raise cattle in order for them to be able to have nutritious milk and butter and cheese that keeps a human being "extremely beautiful!" and healthy!
We are one universal family! When we eliminate all forms of ignorance and corruption, greed, envy and jealousies we can rise together and make our lives work with just as much as $36. 63 a month as long as we have peace and tranquility and go back home to god head, to our divine eternal kingdom and never "ever" incarnate again in this horrible world where there is so much ignorance and cruelty, a world where billions of people's tax money is used without their authorization in order to build war machines that are used to torture and hurt innocent civilians A world where the civilian population demands to stop all the senseless Wars " Cease Fire!" and We are completely ignored! A world where there is so much wealth and abundance and money is not problem and yet the Afro -Latino and Afro American people have still not been provided reparations for the years of slavery that created empires for the white supremacist population of the world, slavery that inflicted so much trauma into the black race that until this day the black population has not recovered from this horrible event, A world where the mind of man has become so sick that he thinks is perfectly normal to have illicit sex with children! and the list goes on and on... the only thing to attach yourself to in this world is Lord Krsna and Get Out! Get Out of here as soon as you can! God bless the Republic Of Colombia!! See You there!! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
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