tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye!
vande ´ham sri-guroh sri- yuta- pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaisnavams ca sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana raghunathanvitam tam sa-jivam sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam krsna-caitanya-devam sri-radha-krsna-padan saha-gana-lalita sri-visakhanvitams ca
om ajñana- timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave
sri-caitanya-nityananda sri-advaita-sita hari guru vaisnava bhagavata gita
sri-rupa sanatana bhatta-raghunatha sri-jiva gopala-bhatta dasa rhagutta
nama om visnu-padaya krsna- presthaya bhutale srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine
Text 1
om namo narasimhäya
vajra-damshträya vajrine
vajra-dehäya vajräya
namo vajra-nakhäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, whose teeth are thunderbolts (vajra-damshtra), who holds a thunderbolt (vajri), whose body is a thunderbolt (vajra-deha), who is a thunderbolt (vajra), whose claws are thunderbolts (vajra-nakha), . . .
Text 2
väsudeväya vandyäya
varadäya varätmane
varäya vara-rüpine
. . . who is the son of Vasudeva (väsudeva), to whom all should bow down (vandya), who is the giver of boons (varada), who is most glorious (varätmä), whose hand gives the blessing of fearlessness (varadäbhaya-hasta), and who is the greatest (vara), whose transcendental form is glorious (vara-rüpi.
Text 3
varenyäya varishthäya
sri-varäya namo namah
pratyaksha-varadäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Narasimha, who is the greatest (vareëya and variñöha), and who is the goddess of fortune’s husband (sri- vara). Obeisances to Lord Narasimha, who is the giver of benedictions to Prahläda (prahläda-varada), who is the giver of benedictions to they who approach Him (pratyakña-varada), . . .
Text 4
paviträya pinäkine
pävanäya prasannäya
päshine päpa-härine
. . . who is the supreme master, greater than the greatest (parät-para-paresha), who is the most pure (pavitra), who carries a bow (pinäki), who is the most pure (pävana), who is filled with transcendental bliss (prasanna), who carries a rope (päshi), and who removes sins (päpa-häri).
Text 5
purustutäya punyäya
puruhutäya te namah
tat-purushäya tathyäya
puräna-purushäya cha
O Lord Nrisimha, glorified with many prayers (puru-stuta), who is the most pure (punya), whose holy names are chanted by the devotees (puru-huta), who are the Supreme Person (tat-purusha), the Supreme Truth (tathya), the ancient Supreme Personality of Godhead (puräna-purusha), obeisances unto You!
Text 6
purodhase pürvajäya
pushkaräkshäya te namah
pushpa-häsäya häsäya
mahä-häsäya shärngine
O Lord Nrisimha, who are the supreme priest (purodha), the oldest (pürvaja), lotus-eyed (pushkaräksha), lotus-smiled (pushpa- häsa), fond of joking (mahä-häsa), and who hold the Shärnga Bow (shärngi), obeisances unto You!
Text 7
simhäya simha-räjäya
jagad-väsyäya te namah
atta-häsäya roshäya
jala-väsäya te namah
O Lord who are a lion (simha), the king of lions (simha- räja), and the master of the universe (jagad-vashya), obeisances unto You! O Lord who laugh loudly (atta-häsa), are angry (rosha), and reside on the water (jala-väsa), obeisances unto You!
Text 8
bhüta-väsäya bhäsäya
shri-niväsäya khadgine
khadga-jihväya simhäya
khadga-väsäya te namah
O Lord Nrisimha, who reside in everyone’s heart (bhüta-väsa), who are effulgent (bhäsa), who are the resting-place of Goddess Lakshmi (shri-niväsa), who hold a sword (khadgi), whose tongue is a sword (khadga-jihva), who are a lion (simha), and who hold a sword (khadga-väsa), obeisances unto You!
Text 9
namo mülädi-väsäya
dharma-väsäya dhanvine
dhanaïjayäya dhanyäya
namo mrityunjayäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the root of all (mülädi- väsa), the home of religion (dharma-väsa), the great archer (dhanvi), the winner of wealth (dhanaïjaya), and the most glorious (dhanya). Obeisances to He who is the conqueror of death (mrityunjaya).
Text 10
shubhänjayäya süträya
namah satrunjayäya cha
niranjanäya niräya
nirgunäya gunäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the conqueror of handsomeness (shubhänjaya), the thread upon which all is strung (sütra), the conqueror of foes (satrunjaya), untouched by matter (niranjana), who lies down on the Kärana Ocean (nira), who is free from the modes of material nature (nirguna), who is glorious with transcendental qualities (guna), . . .
Text 11
nishpräpanchäya nirväna-
pradäya nividya cha
nirälambäya niläya
nishkaläya kaläya cha
. . . who is aloof from the material world (nishpräpaca), who is the giver of liberation (nirväna-prada), who is all-pervading (nivida), who is independent (nirälamba), whose complexion is dark (nila), who is perfect and complete (nishkala), who appears in many incarnations (kala), . . .
Text 12
nimeshäya nibandhäya
nimesha-gamanäya cha
nirdvandväya niräshäya
nishcayäya niräya cha
. . . who is the blinking of an eye (nimesha), who is the bondage of material existence (nibandha), who appears in the blinking of an eye (nimesha-gamana), who is free of duality (nirdvandva), who is all-pervading (niräsha), who is the Absolute Truth (nishcaya), . . .
Text 13
nirmaläya nibandhäya
nirmohäya niräkrite
namo nityäya satyäya
sat-karma-niratäya cha
. . . who is free from all material impurity (nirmala), who is self-control (nibandha), who is free from illusion (nirmoha), whose form is not material (niräkriti), who is eternal (nitya), who is spiritual (satya), and whose activities are all spiritual (sat-karma-nirata).
Text 14
satya-dhvajäya munjäya
munjä-keshäya keshine
harishäya cha shoshäya
gudäkeshäya vai namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who carries truth as His flag (satya-dhvaja), who is the sacred munja grass (munja), whose hair is the sacred munja grass (munjä-kesha), whose hair is graceful (keshi), who is the master of Brahmä and Shiva (harisha), who makes all that is inauspicious wither away (shosha), who is the conqueror of sleep (gudakesha), . . .
Text 15
keshi-simha-rakäya cha
jaleshäya sthaleshäya
. . . whose mane is glorious (sukesha and ürdhva-kesha), who is the süryamani jewel of great-maned lions (keshi-simha-raka) who is the master of the waters (jalesha), who is the master of all places (sthalesha), who is the husband of the goddess of fortune (padmesha), and who is ferocious (ügra-rüpi).
Text 16
kusheshayäya kuläya
keshaväya namo namah
sükti-karnäya süktäya
rakta-jihväya rägine
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is graceful like a lotus flower (kusheshaya), who is the greatest (küla), who has a glorious mane (keshava), whose ears delight in hearing His devotees’ prayers (sükti-karna), who is the Vedic prayers personified (sükta), whose tongue is red (rakta-jihva), and who loves His devotees (rägi).
Text 17
dipta-rüpäya diptäya
pradiptäya pralobhine
pracchinnäya prabodhäya
prabhave vibhave namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, whose form is splendid (dipta- rüpa, dipta, and pradipta), who is all-attractive (pralobhi), who is the destroys of all that is inauspicious (pracchinna), who gives spiritual enlightenment (prabodha), who is the supreme master (prabhu), who has all powers (vibhu), . . .
Text 18
prabhanjanäya pänthäya
pramäyäpramitäya cha
prakäshäya pratäpäya
prajvaläyojjvaläya cha
. . . who destroys all that is inauspicious (prabhajana), who is glorious like the sun (päntha), who is the Absolute Truth (prama), who is limitless (apramita), who is splendid (prakäsha, pratäpa, prajvala, and ujjvala), . . .
Text 19
jvälä-jihväya jväline
maho-jväläya käläya
käla-mürti-dharäya cha
. . . whose effulgent form seems to be garlanded with flames (jvälä-mälä-svarüpa), whose tongue is a flame (jvälä-jihva), who is splendid like a host of flames (jväli and maho-jväla), who is time personified (käla and käla-mürti-dhara), . . .
Text 20
käläntakäya kalpäya
kalanäya krite namah
käla-chakräya shakräya
vashat-chakräya chakrine
. . . who puts an end to time (käläntaka), who is all-powerful (kalpa, kalana, and krit), who is the wheel of time (käla-chakra), who is the most expert (shakra), who is the word vashat in the Vedic mantras (vashat-chakra), who holds the Sudarshana cakra (chakri), . . .
Text 21
akrüräya kritäntäya
vikramäya kramäya cha
kritine kritiväsäya
kritaghnäya kritätmane
. . . who is gentle to the devotees (akrüra), who is death to the demons (kritänta), who is all-powerful (vikrama, krama, kriti, and kritiväsa), who kills the demons (kritaghna), who is the all- pervading Supersoul (kritätmä), . . .
Text 22
sankramäya cha kruddhäya
kränta-loka-trayäya cha
arüpäya svarüpäya
haraye paramätmane
. . . who descends to this world (sankrama), who is angry with the demons (kruddha), who steps over the three worlds (kränta- loka-traya), whose form is not material (arüpa), whose form is transcendental (svarüpa), who removes all that is inauspicious (hari), who is the Supersoul (paramätmä), . . .
Text 23
akshayäya kshayäya cha
aghoräya su-ghoräya
ghoräghora-taräya cha
. . . who is never defeated (ajaya), who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (ädi-deva), who is immortal (akshaya), who kills the demons (kshaya), who is gentle (aghora), who is ferocious (su-ghora), and who rescues the gentle devotees from the fearsome demons (ghoräghora-tara).
Text 24
namo ‘stv aghora-viryäya
lasad-ghoräya te namah
ghorädhyakshäya dakshäya
dakshinäryäya sambhave
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is both gentle and powerful (aghora-virya). O Lord Nrisimha, who are splendid with ferocious power (lasad- ghora), who are the most ferocious (ghorädhyaksha), the most expert (daksha), the most saintly (dakshinärya), and the most auspicious (sambhave), . . .
Text 25
amoghäya gunaughäya
megha-nädäya nädäya
tubhyam meghätmane namah
. . . who are infallible (amogha), a flood of transcendental virtues (gunaugha), pure (anagha), and the remover of sins (agha- häri), who roar like thunder (megha-näda), and who roar ferociously (näda). Obeisances to You, Lord Nrisimha, who are like a monsoon cloud (meghätmä).
Text 26
megha-shyämäya mäline
vyaghra-dehäya vai namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is like a host of monsoon clouds (mogha-vahana-rüpa), who is dark like a monsoon cloud (megha-shyäma), who wear a garland (mäli), whose sacred-thread is a snake (vyäla-yajnopavitra), and who has the form of a lion (vyaghra-deha).
Text 27
vyaghra-pädäya cha vyaghra-
karmine vyäpakäya cha
vikatäsyäya viräya
vistara-shravase namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who has the paws of a lion (vyaghra-päda), and the ferocious deeds of a lion (vyaghra- karmi), who is all-pervading (vyäpaka), whose face is fearsome (vikatäsya), who is very powerful and heroic (vira), and who is all-famous (vistara-shraväh).
Text 28
nakha-damshträyudhäya cha
vishvaksenäya senäya
vihvaläya baläya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who has sharp claws and teeth (vikirna- nakha-damshtra), whose weapons are His claws and teeth (nakha- damshträyudha), whose armies are everywhere (vishvaksena), who has a great army (sena), who is ferocious (vihvala), who is powerful (bala), . . .
Text 29
virupäkshäya viräya
visheshäkshäya säkshine
vita-shokäya vistirna-
vadanäya namo namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, whose eyes are fearsome (virüpäksha), who is powerful and heroic (vira), whose eyes are handsome (visheshäksha), who is the witness of all (säkshi), who never grieves (vita-shoka), and whose mouth is wide (vistirna- vadana).
Text 30
vidhänäya vidheyäya
vijayäya jayäya cha
vibudhäya vibhäväya
namo vishvambharäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the author of the rules of scriptures (vidhäna), who is the goal to be attained by following the rules of scripture (vidheya), who is victory (vijaya and jaya), who knows everything (vibudha), who is the only friend (vibhäva), and who is the maintainer of the universe (vishvambhara).
Text 31
vita-ragäya vipräya
vitanìka-nayanäya cha
vipuläya vinitäya
vishva-yonaye namo namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is not affected by the mode of passion (vita-raga), who is the first of brähmanas (vipra), whose eyes are glorious (vitanka-nayana), who form is large (vipula), who is humble (vinita), and who is the creator of the universe (vishva-yoni), . . .
Text 32
chid-ambaräya vittäya
vishrutäya viyonaye
vihvaläya vikalpäya
kalpätitäya shilpine
. . . , who is the master of the spiritual sky (chid-ambara), the wealth of the devotees (vitta), all-famous (vishruta), unborn (viyoni), ferocious (vihvala), most expert (vikalpa, kalpätita, and shilpi), . . .
Text 33
kalpanäya svarüpäya
phani-talpäya vai namah
tadit-prabhäya taryäya
tarunäya tarasvine
. . . who is the creator (kalpana), whose form is transcendental (svarüpa), whose couch is a serpent (phani-talpa), who is splendid like lightning (tadit-prabha), who is the final goal (tarya), who is eternally youthful (taruna), who is all-powerful (tarasvi), . . .
Text 34
tapanäya tapaskäya
täpa-traya-haräya cha
tärakäya tamo-ghnäya
tattväya cha tapasvine
. . . who is effulgent (tapana and tapaska), who removes the three-fold miseries of material life (täpa-traya-hara), who is the deliverer (täraka), who destroys the darkness of ignorance (tamo-ghna), who is the Absolute Truth (tattva), and who is glorious (tapasvi).
Text 35
takshakäya tanu-träya
tatine taraläya cha
shata-rüpäya shäntäya
shata-dhäräya te namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are the architect of the worlds (takshaka), who protect Your devotees (tanu-tra), who stay on the farther shore of the ocean of repeated birth and death (tati), who are splendid (tarala), who manifest a hundred forms (shata-rüpa), who are peaceful (shänta), and who hold a thunderbolt (shata-dhära).
Text 36
shata-paträya tarkshyäya
sthitaye shata-mürtaye
shäshvatäya shatätmane
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is graceful like a hundred-petal lotus (shata-patra), who is carried by Garuda (tarkshya), who is the maintainer (sthiti), who manifests a hundred forms (shata-mürti), who is a hundred yajnas personified (shata-kratu-svarüpa), who is eternal (shäshvata), who manifests a hundred forms (shatätmä), . . .
Text 37
namah sahasra-shirase
sahasra-vadanäya cha
sahasräkshäya deväya
disha-shroträya te namah
. . . who has a thousand heads (sahasra-shiräh and sahasra-vadana), who has a thousand eyes (sahasräksha), and who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (deva). Obeisances unto You, O Lord Nrisimha, whose ears are the different directions (disha-shrotra).
Text 38
namah sahasra-jihväya
mahä-jihväya te namah
sahasräkshi-dhäräya cha
Obeisances unto You, O Lord Nrisimha, who have a thousand tongues (sahasra-jihva), a great tongue (mahä-jihva), a thousand names (sahasra-nämadheya), and a thousand eyes (sahasräkshi- dhära).
Text 39
sahasra-bähave tubhyam
sahasra-caranäya cha
sahasräyudha-dhäriëe O Lord Nrisimha, who have a thousand arms (sahasra-bähu), and a thousand feet (sahasra-carana), who are splendid like a thousand suns (sahasrärka-prakäshäya), who hold a thousand weapons (sahasräyudha-dhäri), . .
Text 40
namah sthüläya sükshmäya
susükshmäya namo namah
sükshunyäya subhikshäya
surädhyakshäya shaurine
. . . who are larger than the largest (sthüla), smaller than the smallest (sükshma and susükshma), ferocious (sükshunya), the maintainer (subhiksha), and the ruler of the demigods (surädhyaksha), heroic (shauri), obeisances unto You.
Text 41
dharmädhyakshäya dharmäya
lokädhyakshäya vai namah
prajädhyakshäya shikshäya
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are the ruler of religious principles (dharmädhyaksha), religion personified (dharma), the ruler of the worlds (lokädhyaksha), the ruler of the living entities (prajädhyaksha), the teaching of the Vedas (shiksha), the destroyer of the demons (vipaksha-kshaya-mürti), . . .
Text 42
kälädhyakshäya tikshnäya
mülädhyakshäya te namah
adhokshajäya miträya
sumitra-varunäya cha
. . . the controller of time (kälädhyaksha), ferocious (tikshna), the ruler of the root of matter (mülädhyaksha), beyond the perception of the material senses (adhokshaja), the true friend (mitra), and the Deity worshiped by Mitra and Varuna (sumitra- varuna).
Text 43
shatrughnäya avighnäya
vighna-koti-haräya cha
rakshoghnäya tamoghnäya
bhütaghnäya namo namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the killer of enemies (shatrughna), free to do whatever He wishes (avighna), the Lord who removes millions of obstacles (vighna-koti-hara), the killer of demons (rakshoghna), the destroyer of ignorance (tamoghna), and the killer of ghosts (bhütaghna).
Text 44
bhüta-päläya bhütäya
bhüta-väsäya bhütine
bhütädhipataye namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the protector of the people (bhüta-päla), the Lord who appears before His devotee (bhüta), the Lord who descends to the material world (bhüta- väsa), the master of the material world (bhüti), the destroyer of ghosts and evil spirits (bhüta-vetäla-ghäta), and the controller of the material world (bhütädhipati).
Text 45
bhüta-samyamate namah
mahä-bhütäya bhrigave
sarva-bhütätmane namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the killer of ghosts and evil spirits (bhüta-graha-vinäsha), the controller of the material world (bhüta-samyamän), the greatest (mahä-bhüta), a descendent of Maharshi Bhrigu (bhrigave), and the all-pervading Supersoul (sarva-bhütätmä).
Text 46
sarva-sampatkaräya cha
sarvädhäräya sarväya
sarvärti-haraye namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the destroyer of all calamities (sarvärishta-vinäsha), the bringer of all good fortune (sarva-sampatkara), the resting place of all the worlds (sarvädhära), everything (sarva), and the remover of all sufferings (sarvärti-hari).
Text 47
sarvadäyäpy anantäya
sarva-shakti-dharäya cha
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are the remover of all sufferings (sarva-duhkha-prashänta), the giver of all good fortune (sarva-saubhägya-däyi), the giver of everything (sarvada), limitless (ananta), the master of all potencies (sarva-shakti-dhara), . . .
Text 48
sarvaishvarya-pradätre cha
. . . the giver of all powers and opulences (sarvaishvarya- pradätä), the giver of all duties (sarva-kärya-vidhäyi), the destroyer of all fevers (sarva-jvara-vinäsha), the physician who cures all diseases (sarva-rogäpahäri), . . .
Text 49
sarväbhicära-hantre cha
dvi-shringäya marichaye
. . . the destroyer of all magic spells (sarväbhichära-hantä), and the giver of all powers and opulences (sarvaishvarya- vidhäyi), red-eyed (pingäksha), who have one horn (eka-shringa), who have two horns (dvi-shringa), who are splendid like the sun (marichi), . . .
Text 50
bahu-shringäya lingäya
mahä-shringäya te namah
mangalyäya manojnäya
mantavyäya mahätmane
. . . who have many horns (bahu-shringa), who are not different from Your Deity form (linga), who have a great horn (mahä-shringa), who are the supreme auspiciousness (mangalya), who are supremely handsome and charming (manojna), who are the proper object of meditation (mantavya), who are the Supreme Personality of Godhead (mahätmä), . . .
Text 51
mahä-deväya deväya
mätulinga-dharäya cha
prastutäya cha mäyine
. . . who are the Supreme Personality of Godhead (mahä-deva and deva), who hold a mätulinga (mätulinga-dhara), who are the origin of the mahä-mäyä potency (mahä-mäyä-prasüta), who are glorified by the sages (prastuta), who are the master of the illusory potency mäyä (mäyi), . . .
Text 52
mäyine jala-shäyine
mahodaräya mandäya
madadäya madäya cha
. . . who manifested limitless forms (anantänanta-rüpa), who are the master of the illusory potency mäyä (mäyi), who rest on the waters (jala-shäyi), whose belly is gigantic (mahodara), who are gentle (manda), who give bliss to the devotees (madada), who are transcendental bliss personified (mada), . . .
Text 53
madhu-kaitabha-hantre cha
mädhaväya muräraye
mahä-viryäya dhairyäya
chitra-viryäya te namah
. . . who killed Madhu and Kaitabha (madhu-kaitabha-hantä), who are the goddess of fortune’s husband (mädhava), who are the enemy of the Mura demon (muräri), who are all-powerful (mahä-virya), who are all-patient (dhairya), and who are wonderfully powerful (chitra-virya).
Text 54
chitra-kürmäya citräya
namas te chitra-bhänave
mäyätitäya mäyäya
mahä-viräya te namah
O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances to You, who are a wonderful tortoise (chitra-kürma), wonderful (chitra), splendid like a wonderful sun (chitra-bhänu), beyond the illusory potency mäyä (mäyätita), the master of the illusory potency mäyä (mäya), and all-powerful (mahä-vira).
Text 55
mahä-tejäya bijäya
tejo-dhämne cha bijine
tejomäya nrisimhäya
namas te chitra-bhänave
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are splendid and powerful (mahä-teja), the seed of all existence (bija), the Lord who resides in the splendid spiritual world (tejo-dhämä), the seed of all existence (biji), effulgent (tejoma), half-man and half-lion (nrisimha), and splendid like a wonderful sun (chitra- bhänu).
Text 56
mahä-damshträya tushtäya
namah pushti-karäya cha
shipivishtäya hrishtäya
pushtäya parameshtine
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who has large and fearsome teeth (mahä-damshtra), who is filled with happiness (tushta), who maintains and protects His devotees (pushti-kara), effulgent (shipivishta), happy (hrishta), powerful (pushta), and the supreme controller (parameshti).
Text 57
vishishtäya cha shishtäya
namo jyeshthäya shreshthäya
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the greatest (vishishta, shishta, and garishtha), who fulfills His devotees’ desires (ishta- däyi), the oldest (jyeshtha), the best (shreshtha), happy (tushta), and unlimitedly powerful (amita-tejäh).
Text 58
sarva-dushtäntakäya cha
vaikunöhäya vikunöhäya
keshi-kanthäya te namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, to whom the devotees offer dandavat obeisances (säshtänga-nyasta-rüpa), who are the killer of all the demons (sarva-dushtäntaka), the master of the spiritual world (vaikuntha and vikuntha), and who have a lion’s neck (keshi-kantha).
Text 59
kanthiraväya lunthäya
nishathäya hathäya cha
sattvodriktäya rudräya
rig-yajuh-sama-gäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, whose throat is filled with a roar (kanthi-rava), who robs the devotees of their entrapment in the world of birth and death (luntha), who is supremely honest (nishatha), who is ferocious (hatha), who is situated in transcendental goodness (sattvodrikta), who is angry (rudra), who is the hymns of the Rig, Yajur, and Säma Vedas (rig-yajuh-sama-ga), . . .
Text 60
ritu-dhvajäya vajräya
mantra-rajäya mantrine
tri-neträya tri-vargäya
tri-dhämne cha tri-shüline
. . . who is the flage of the seasons (ritu-dhvaja), a thunderbolt (vajra), the king of mantras (mantra-raja), and the best advisor (mantri), who has three eyes (tri-netra), three classes of followers (tri-varga), three abodes (tri-dhämä), a trident (tri-shüli), . . .
Text 61
tri-dehäya tridhätmane
namas tri-mürti-vidyäya
tri-tattva-jnänine namah
. . . who knows everything of the three phases of time (tri- käla-jnäna-rüpa), who has three forms (tri-deha), and three expansions (tridhätmä). Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who knows the three truths (tri-mürti-vidya and tri-tattva-jäni).
Text 62
aprameyäya mänave
amritäya anantäya
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is peaceful (akshobhya), who cannot be thwarted (aniruddha), who is immeasurable (aprameya), the goddess of fortune’s husband (mänu), immortal (amrita), limitless (ananta and amita), unlimitledly powerful (amitaujäh), . .
Text 63
anäyäna-bhuje namah
. . . the destroyer of untimely death (apamrityu-vinäsha), the destroyer of forgetfulness (apasmara-vighäti), the giver of life (anada), the form of life (ana-rüpa), life (ana), and the enjoyer of life (ana-bhuk).
Text 64
nädyäya niravadyäya
sadyo-jätäya sanghäya
vaidyutäya namo namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is glorified with many prayers (nädya), who is supremely pure (niravadya), who is filled with transcendental knowledge (vidya), whose activities are wonderful (adbhuta-karmä), who suddenly appears before His devotee (sadyo-jäta), who is accompanied by His devotees (sangha), and who is splendid like lightning (vaidyuta).
Text 65
adhvätitäya sattväya
väg-ätitäya vägmine
väg-ishvaräya go-päya
go-hitäya gaväm-pate
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who stays far from the path of the materialists (adhvätita), who is the Absolute Truth (sattva), who is beyond the descriptive power of material words (väg- ätita), who is most eloquent (vägmi and väg-ishvara), who is the protector of the cows (gopa), the auspiciousness of the cows (go-hita), and the master of the cows (gaväm-pati), . . .
Text 66
gandharväya gabhiräya
garjitäyorjitäya cha
parjanyäya prabuddhäya
pradhäna-purushäya cha
. . . whose voice is melodious (gandharva), who is profound (gabhira), who roars ferociously (garjita), who is very powerful (ürjita), who roars like thunder (parjanya), who is the most wise (prabuddha), who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the controller of the material world (pradhäna-purusha), . . .
Text 67
padmäbhäya sunäbhäya
padma-näbhäya mänine
padma-neträya padmäya
padmäyäh-pataye namah
. . . who is splendid like a lotus flower (padmäbha), whose navel is graceful (sunäbha), whose navel is a lotus flower (padma-näbha), who is glorious (mäni), whose eyes are lotus flowers (padma-netra), who is graceful like a lotus flower (padma), and who is the goddess of fortune’s husband (padmäyäh-pati).
Text 68
padmodaräya pütäya
padma-kalpodbhaväya cha
namo hrit-padma-väsäya
bhü-padmoddharanäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, whose abdomen is a lotus flower (padmodara), who is supremely pure (püta), who appeared in the Padma-kalpa (padma-kalpodbhava), who stays on the lotus of His devotee’s heart (hrit-padma-väsa), and who picked up the earth as if it were a lotus flower (bhü-padmoddharana).
Text 69
brahma-rüpa-dharäya cha
brahmaëe brahma-rüpäya
padma-neträya te namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are the Vedas personified (shabda-brahma-svarüpa and brahma-rüpa-dhara), the Supreme Personality of Godhead (brahma), and the Lord whose form is spiritual (brahma-rüpa), and whose eyes are lotus flowers (padma-netra).
Text 70
brahma-däya brahmanäya
brahma-brahmätmane namah
subrahmanyäya deväya
brahmanyäya tri-vedine
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who gives the most valuable gift (brahma-da), who is worshiped by Brahmä (brähmana), who is the Supersoul who guides the brähmanas (brahma-brahmätmä), who is worshiped by the brähmanas (subrahmanya), who is the glorious Supreme Personality of Godhead (deva), who is worshiped by the brähmanas (brahmanya), and who is the author of the three Vedas (tri-vedi).
Text 71
panca-brahmätmane namah
namas te brahma-shirase
tadäshva-shirase namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, whose form is spiritual (para- brahma-svarüpa), who is the panca-brahma (panca- brahmätmä), who is the head of the Vedas (brahma-shiräh), and who appears in a form with a horse’s head (tadäshva-shiräh).
Text 72
atharva-shirase nityam
ashani-pramitäya cha
namas te tikshna-damshträya
laläya lalitäya cha
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are the head of the Atharva Veda (atharva-shiräh), who hurl a thunderbolt (ashani-pramita), whose teeth are sharp (tikshna-damshtra), and who are graceful and playful (lala and lalita).
Text 73
lavanyäya laviträya
namas te bhäsakäya cha
lakshana-jnäya lakshäya
lakshanäya namo namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are handsome (lavanya), who are a scythe for mowing down the demons (lavitra), who are effulgent (bhäsaka), who know everything (lakshana-jna), and who are filled with transcendental qualities (laksha and lakshana).
Text 74
lasad-ripräya lipräya
vishnave prabhavishnave
vrishni-müläya krishnäya
shri-mahä-vishnave namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who purify sins (lasad- ripra), who are glorious (lipra), all-pervading (vishnu), all-powerful (prabhavishnu), the root of the Vrishni dynasty (vrishni-müla), Lord Krishna (krishna), and Lord Mahä-Vishnu (shri-mahä-vishnu).
Text 75
pashyämi tväa mahä-simham
harinam vana-mälinam
kiritinam kundalinam
sarvängam sarvato-mukham
I gaze on You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are a great lion (mahä-simha), who take away all that is inauspicious (hari), who wear a forest garland (vana-mäli), a helmet (kiriti), earrings (kundali), who are all-pervading (sarvänga), whose faces are everywhere (sarvato-mukha), . . .
Text 76
sarveshvaram sada-tushtam
samartham samara-priyam
. . . whose hands, feet, and thighs are everywhere (sarvatah- päni-padora), whose eyes, heads, and faces are everywhere (sarvato-’kshi-shiro-mukha), who are the controller of all (sarveshvara), who are always blissful (sadä-tushta), who are all- powerful (samartha), who are fond of a fight (samara-priya), . . .
Text 77
. . . who are many yojanas in size (bahu-yojana-vistirna and bahu-yojana-mäyata), whose hands and feet are many yojanas (bahu-yojana-hastänghri), whose nose is many yojanas (bahu-yojana-näsika), . . .
Text 78
mahä-rüpam mahä-vaktram
mahä-damshtram mahä-bhujam
mahä-nädam mahä-raudram
mahä-käyam mahä-balam
. . . whose form is gigantic (mahä-rüpa), whose mouth is gigantic (mahä-vaktra), whose teeth are gigantic (mahä-damshtra), whose arms are gigantic (mahä-bhuja), whose roar is gigantic (mahä-näda), who are very ferocious (mahä-raudra), whose body is gigantic (mahä-käya), who has all power (mahä-bala), . . .
Text 79
ägaläd-vaishëavam tathä
äshirsäd-randhram ishänam
. . . who are Brahmä from the beginning of Your navel (änäbher-brahmano-rüpa), Who are Lord Vishnu from the beginning of Your neck (ägaläd-vaishnava), who are Lord Rudra from the beginning of Your head (äshirsäd-randhra), who are the supreme controller (ishäna), and who are all-auspicious everywhere (tad-agre-sarvatah-shiva).
Text 80
namo ‘stu näräyana narasimha
namo ‘stu näräyana vira-simha
namo ‘stu näräyana krüra-simha
namo ‘stu näräyana divya-simha
O Näräyana, O Narasimha, obeisances unto You! O Näräyana, O heroic lion (vira-simha), obeisances unto You! O Näräyana, O ferocious lion (krüra-simha), obeisances unto You! O Näräyana, O splendid transcendental lion (divya-simha), obeisances unto You!
Text 81
namo ‘stu näräyana vyaghra-simha
namo ‘stu näräyana puccha-simha
namo ‘stu näräyana pürna-simha
namo ‘stu näräyana raudra-simha
O Näräyana, O ferocious lion (vyaghra-simha), obeisances unto You! O Näräyana, O transcendental lion (puccha-simha), obeisances unto You! O Näräyana, O perfect lion (pürna-simha), obeisances unto You! O Näräyana, O angry lion (raudra-simha), obeisances unto You!Text 82
namo namo bhishana-bhadra-simha
namo namo vihvala-netra-simha
namo namo briahita-bhüta-simha
namo namo nirmala-chitra-simha
O fearsome lion (bhishana-bhadra-simha), obeisances unto You! O lion with angry eyes (vihvala-netra-simha), obeisances unto You! O gigantic lion (briahita-bhüta-simha), obeisances unto You! O splendid, pure, and wonderful lion (nirmala-chitra-simha), obeisances unto You!
Text 83
namo namo nirjita-käla-simha
namo namo kalpita-kalpa-simha
namo namo kämada-käma-simha
namo namas te bhuvanaika-simha
O lion who defeat time (nirjita-käla-simha), obeisances unto You! O all-powerful lion (kalpita-kalpa-simha), obeisances unto You! O lion who fulfills all desires (kämada-käma-simha), obeisances unto You! O lion who rules the world (bhuvanaika-simha), obeisances unto You!
Text 84
dyävä-pritivyor idam antaram hi
vyäptam tvayaikena dishash cha sarväh
drishtvädbhutam rüpam ugram tavedam
loka-trayam pravyathitam mahätman
Although You are one, You are spread throughout the sky and the planets and all space between. O great one, as I behold this terrible form, I see that all the planetary systems are perplexed.*
Text 85
ami hitvä sura-sanghä vishanti
kechid bhitäh pranjalayo grinanti
svastity uktvä munayah siddha-sanghäh
stuvanti tväa stutibhih pushkaläbhih
All the demigods are surrendering and entering into You. They are very much afraid, and with folded hands they are singing the Vedic hymns.*
Text 86
rudrädityä väsavo ye cha sädhyä
vishvedevä marutash cosmapäsh cha
gandharva-yakshäh sura-siddha-sanghä
vikshanti tväa vismitäsh chaiva sarve
The different manifestations of Lord Shiva, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Sädhyas, the Vishvadevas, the two Ashvins, the Maruts, the forefathers, and the Gandharvas, the Yakshas, Asuras, and all perfected demigods are beholding You in wonder.*
Text 87
leliyase grasamän asamantäl
lokän samagrän vadanair jvaladbhih
tejobhir äpürya jagat samagram
bhäsäs tavogräh pratapanti vishnoh
O Vishnu, I see You devouring all people in Your flaming mouths and covering the universe with Your immeasurable rays. Scorching the worlds, You are manifest.
Text 88
bhävishnus tvam sahishnus tvam
bhrajishnur jishnur eva cha
prithivim antariksham tvam
parvatäranyam eva cha
O Lord Nrisimha, You are the future (bhävishnu). You are the most patient and tolerant (sahishnu). You are the most glorious (bhrajishnu). You are always victorious (jishnu). You are the earth (prithivi), the sky (antariksha), and the mountains and forests (parvatäranya).
Text 89
kalä-käshthä viliptatvam
aho-rätram tri-sandhyä cha
You are the differing units of time, such as the kalä, käshthä, vilipta, muhürta, and prahara. You are day and night (aho-rätram), You are the three junctions known as sunrise, noon, and sunset (tri-sandhyä). You are the two fortnights (paksha), the months (mäsa), the seasons (ritu), and the year (vatsara).
Text 90
yugädir yuga-bhedas tvam
samyuge yuga-sandhäyäh
nityam naimittikam dainam
mahä-pralayam eva cha
You are the beginning of the yuga (yugädi), the various yugas (yuga-bheda), the junctions of the yugas (samyuge yuga-sandhäyäh), and the four kinds of cosmic annihilations called nitya, naimittika, daina, and mahä-pralaya.
Text 91
käranam karanam kartä
bhartä hartä tvam ishvarah
sat-kartä sat-kritir goptä
You are the cause (kärana), the instrument (karana), the creator (kartä), the maintainer (bhartä), the remover (hartä), the controller (ishvara), the doer of good (sat-kartä and sat- kriti), the protector (goptä), and the Lord whose form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss ( sac-cid-änanda-vigraha).
Text 92
pränas tvam präninam pratyag
ätmä tvam sarva-dehinäm
su-jyotis tvam param-jyotir
ätma-jyotih sanätanah
You are the life of all that live (pränah präninam), You are the Supersoul (pratyag-ätmä). You are the splendor of all embodied souls (sarva-dehinäm su-jyotih). You are the supreme effulgence (param-jyotih and ätma-jyotih). You are eternal (sanätana).
Text 93
jyotir loka-svarüpas tvam
tvam jyotir jyotishäa patih
svähä-kärah svadhä-käro
vashat-kärah kripä-karah
You are the spiritual effulgence (jyotih), the personification of all the worlds (loka-svarüpa), the light of all lights (jyotir jyotishäm), the supreme master (pati), the sacred word svähä (svähä-kära), the sacred word svadhä (svadhä-kära), the sacred word vashat (vashat- kära), merciful (kripä-kara), . . .
Text 94
hanta-käro niräkäro
vega-kärash cha shankarah
omkäro loka-kärakah
. . . the sacred word hanta (hanta-kära), without a material form (niräkära), the fastest and most powerful (vega-kära), auspicious (shankara), the entire alphabet, beginning with a and concluding with ha (akärädi-hakäränta), the sacred syllable om (omkära), and the creator of the worlds (loka-käraka).
Text 95
ekätmä tvam anekätmä
chatur-ätmä chatur-bhujah
chatur-mürtish chatur-damshtrash
You are the one Supreme Personality of Godhead (ekätmä), who appears in many forms (anekätmä), who manifests as the chatur-vyüha (chatur-ätmä), who has four arms (chatur-bhuja), who appears in four forms (chatur-mürti), who has four teeth (chatur-damshtra), and who is the Vedas personified (chatur-veda-mayottama).
Text 96
loka-priyo loka-gurur
lokesho loka-näyakah
loka-säkshi loka-patir
lokätmä loka-locanah
You are dear to the worlds (loka-priya), the master of the worlds (loka-guru, lokesha, and loka-näyaka), the witness of the worlds (loka-säkshi), the master of the worlds (loka-pati), the Supersoul omnipresent in the worlds (lokätmä), the eye of the worlds (loka-lochana), . . .
Text 97
loka-dhäro brihal-loko
lokäloka-mayo vibhuh
loka-kartä vishva-kartä
kritävartäh kritägamah
. . . the maintainer of the worlds (loka-dhära), the universal form (brihal-loka and lokäloka-maya), all-powerful (vibhu), and the creator of the worlds (loka-kartä and vishva-kartä, kritävarta and kritägama).
Text 98
anädis tvam anantas tvam
abhüto bhüta-vigrahah
stutih stutyah stava-pritah
stotä netä niyämakah
You have no beginning (anädi). You have no end (ananta). You were never created (abhüta). You are the form of all that exists (bhüta-vigraha), You are the prayers offered to You (stuti). You are the object of Your devotees’ prayers (stutya). You are pleased by Your devotees’ prayers (stava-prita). You glorify Your devotees (stotä). You are the supreme leader (netä). You are the supreme controller (niyämaka).
Text 99
tvam gatis tvam matir mahyam
pitä mätä guruh sakhä
suhridash chätma-rüpas tvam
tvam vinä nästi me gatih
You are my goal (gati). I meditate on You (mati). You are my father (pitä), mother (mätä), spiritual master (guru), friend (sakhä), well-wisher (suhrit), and Supersoul (ätma-rüpa). Without You I have no goal and no auspicious future.
Text 100
namas te mantra-rüpäya
astra-rüpäya te namah
bahu-rüpäya rüpäya
pancha-rüpa-dharäya cha
Obeisances to You, who are sacred mantras personified (mantra-rüpa), who are weapons personified (astra-rüpa), who appear in many forms (bahu-rüpa), whose form is transcendental (rüpa), who appear in five forms (panca-rüpa-dhara), . . .
Text 101
bhadra-rüpäya rütäya
yoga-rüpäya yogine
sama-rüpäya yogäya
yoga-pitha-sthitäya cha
. . . whose form is auspicious (bhadra-rüpa), who are the Vedic mantras personified (ruta), who are yoga personified (yoga-rüpa), the master of yoga (yogi), whose form is graceful (sama-rüpa), who are yoga personified (yoga), who stay in the most sacred of sacred places (yoga-pitha-sthita), . . .
Text 102
yoga-gamyäya saumyäya
dhyäna-gamyäya dhyäyine
dhyeya-gamyäya dhämne cha
dhämädhipataye namah
. . . who are attained by yoga practice (yoga-gamya), who are handsome and gentle (saumya), who are attained by meditation (dhyäna-gamya), who are the object of meditation (dhyäyi and dhyeya-gamya), who are the spiritual world (dhäma), and the ruler of the spiritual world (dhämädhipati).
Text 103
dhäranäbhiratäya cha
namo dhätre cha sandhätre
vidhätre cha dharäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who removes the sins of the world (dharädharägha-dharma), who is attained by meditation (dhäranäbhirata), who is the creator (dhätä, sandhätä, vidhätä, and dhara), . . .
Text 104
dämodaräya däntäya
dänavänta-karäya cha
namah samsära-vaidyäya
bheshajäya namo namah
. . . whose waist was bound with a rope (dämodara), who is peaceful and self-controlled (dänta), who kills the demons (dänavänta-kara), who is a physician expert in curing the disease of repeated birth and death (samsära- vaidya and bheshaja).
Text 105
sira-dhvajäya shitäya
vätäyäpramitäya cha
särasvatäya samsära-
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, whose flag is marked with a plough (sira-dhvaja), who is the cold season (shita), who is the wind (väta), who is immeasurable (apramita), who is scholarship (särasvata), who puts an end to the cycle of birth and death (samsära-näshana), who wears a necklace of aksha beads (aksha-mäli), . . .
Text 106
shat-karma-niratäya cha
vikarmäya sukarmäya
. . . who holds a sword and shield (asi-charma-dhara), who is expert in the six pious deeds (shat-karma-nirata), who is free from karma (vikarmä), whose deeds are glorious (sukarmä), whose deeds are transcendental (para-karma-vidhäyi), . . .
Text 107
susharmane manmathäya
namo varmäya varmine
karäla-vadanäya cha
. . . who is most auspicious (susharmä), who is Kämadeva (manmatha), who is armor (varma), who wears armor (varmi and kari-carma-vasäna), whose face is fearsome (karäla-vadana), . . .
Text 108
kavaye padma-garbhäya
brahma-garbhäya garbhäya
brihad-garbhäya dhürjite
. . . who is the best of philosophers (kavi), who gave birth to Brahmä in a lotus flower (padma-garbha), who gave birth to all living beings (bhüta-garbha-ghrinä-nidhi), who gave birth to Brahmä (brahma-garbha), who gave birth to all that exists (garbha and brihad-garbha, and dhürjit), . . .
Text 109
namas te vishva-garbhäya
shri-garbhäya jitäraye
namo hiranyagarbhäya
hiranya-kavachäya cha
O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances unto You, the creator of the universes (vishva-garbha), the creator of beauty and opulence (shri-garbha), the warrior who defeats His enemies (jitäri), the universal form (hiranyagarbha), the Lord covered with golden armor (hiranya-kavacha), . . .
Text 110
hiranya-nayanäya cha
. . . whose form is the color of gold (hiranya-varna-deha), who killed Hiranyäksha (hiranyäksha-vinäshi), who killed Hiranyakasipu (hiranyakasipor-hantä), whose eyes are golden (hiranya-nayana), . . .
Text 111
hiranya-retase tubhyam
hiranya-vadanäya cha
namo hiranya-shringäya
nisha-shringäya shringine
. . . whose seed is golden (hiranya-retäh), whose face is golden (hiranya-vadana), whose horn is golden (hiranya-shringa), whose horn is night (nisha-shringa), who has a great horn (shringi), . . .
Text 112
bhairaväya sukeshäya
chandäya runda-mäläya
namo danda-dharäya cha
. . . who are fearsome (bhairava), whose mane is graceful (sukesha), who is fearsome (bhishana), who wear a garland of intestines (antri-mäli), who are ferocious (chanda), who wear a necklace of skulls (runda-mäla), who hold a staff (danda-dhara), . . .
Text 113
kamandalu-dharäya cha
namas te khanda-simhäya
satya-simhäya te namah
. . . who are the Absolute Truth (akhanda-tattva-rüpa), who hold a kamandalu (kamandalu-dhara), who are a great lion (khanda-simha), and who are a transcendental lion (satya-simha).
Text 114
namas te shveta-simhäya
pita-simhäya te namah
nila-simhäya niläya
rakta-simhäya te namah
O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances unto You, who are a white lion (shveta-simha), a yellow lion (pita-simha), a black lion (nila-simha), black (nila), and a red lion (rakta-simha).
Text 115
namo häridra-simhäya
dhümra-simhäya te namah
müla-simhäya müläya
brihat-simhäya te namah
O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances unto You, who are a yellow lion (häridra-simha), a smoke-colored lion (dhümra-simha), the root of all lions (müla-simha), the root of all that exists (müla), and a great lion (brihat-simha).
Text 116
namo parvata-väsine
namo jala-stha-simhäya
antariksha-sthitäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the lion in Pätälaloka (pätäla-sthita-simha), the lion in the mountains (parvata-väsi), the lion in the waters (jala-stha-simha), and the lion in the sky (antariksha-sthita).
Text 117
chanda-simhäya te namah
ananta-gataye namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are the angry lion of the fire of time (kälägni-rudra-simha), who are a ferocious lion (chanda-simha), who are the limitless lion of lions (ananta-simha-simha), and who are the goal that has no limit (ananta-gati).
Text 118
namo vichitra-simhäya
narasimhäya te namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are a wonderful lion (vichitra-simha), the form of many lions (bahu-simha-svarüpi), the lion that gives fearlessness (abhayankara-simha), and half-man half-lion (narasimha).
Text 119
namo ‘stu simha-räjäya
narasimhäya te namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the king of lions (simha-räja), half-man half-lion (narasimha), the earth, which wears the seven oceans like a belt (säptäbdhi-mekhala), the Lord whose form is transcendental (satya-satya- svarüpi), . . .
Text 120
sapta-svara-mayäya cha
. . . who stays in the seven worlds (sapta-lokäntara-stha), who is glorified with songs in the seven notes (sapta-svara-maya), whose teeth are splendid like seven suns (saptärchih-rüpa-damshtra), and who is gigantic like seven horse-drawn chariots (saptäshva-ratha-rüpi).
Text 121
sapta-cchando-mayäya cha
svacchäya svaccha-rüpäya
svacchandäya cha te namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are like seven strong winds (sapta-väyu-svarüpa), who are glorified by prayers in the seven meters (sapta-cchando-maya), who are pure (svaccha and svaccha-rüpa), and who are supremely independent (svacchanda).
Text 122
shrivatsäya suvedhäya
shrutaye shruti-mürtaye
shuchi-shraväya shüräya
su-prabhäya su-dhanvine
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who bears the mark of Shrivatsa (shrivatsa), who is decorated with earrings (suvedha), who is the Vedas personified (shruti and shruti-mürti), whose fame is spotless (shuchi-shrava), who is heroic (shüra), who is effulgent (su-prabha), who carries a great bow (su-dhanvi), . . .
Text 123
shubhräya sura-näthäya
su-prabhäya shubhäya cha
sudarshanäya sükshmäya
niruktäya namo namah
. . . who is glorious (shubhra), the master of the demigods (sura-nätha), effulgent (su-prabha), auspicious (shubha), handsome (sudarshana), subtle (sükshma), and eloquent (nirukta).
Text 124
su-prabhäya svabhäväya
bhäväya vibhaväya cha
sushäkhäya vishäkhäya
sumukhäya mukhäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is effulgent (su-prabha), spiritual (svabhäva), eternally existing (bhäva), the cause of spiritual love (vibhava), handsome (sushäkha), perfect and complete (vishäkha), with a handsome face (sumukha), the first of all (mukha), . . .
Text 125
su-nakhäya su-damshträya
surathäya sudhäya cha
sankhyäya sura-mukhyäya
prakhyätäya prabhäya cha
. . . whose claws are glorious (su-nakha), whose teeth are glorious (su-damshtra), who is like a great chariot (suratha), who is like nectar (sudha), who is described by the sankhya philosophy (sankhya), who is the leader of the demigods (sura-mukhya), who is all-famous (prakhyäta), who is effulgent (prabha), . . .
Text 126
namah khatvanga-hastäya
khagendräya mrigendräya
nägendräya dridhäya cha
. . . who holds a khatvänga staff in His hand (khatvanga-hasta), who holds a kheta-mudgara club in His hand (kheta-mudgara-päni), who is carried by Garuda (khagendra), who is a great lion (mrigendra), who is the king of the nägas (nägendra), who is firm and resolute (dridha), . . .
Text 127
nadn-väsäya nägäya
nänä-rüpa-dharäya cha
. . . who wears a necklace and armlets of snakes (näga-keyüra-hära), who is worshiped by the king of snakes (nägendra), who crushes sins (agha-mardi), who stays in the sacred rivers (nadi-väsa), who is powerful and swift (näga), who assumes many forms (nänä-rüpa-dhara), . . .
Text 128
nägeshvaräya nägäya
namitäya naräya cha
nara-näräyanäya cha
. . . who is the ruler of the nägas (nägeshvara and näga), who is the Lord worshiped and honored by the devotees (namita), who appears in a humanlike form (nara), who rides on garuda (nägänta-karatha), and who is Nara-Näräyana Rishis (nara-näräyana).
Text 129
namo matsya-svarüpäya
kacchapäya namo namah
namo yajna-varahäya
narasimhäya te namah
Obeisances to He who assumes the form of Matsya (matsya-svarüpa)! Obeisances to He who assumes the form of Kürma (kacchapa)! Obeisances to He who assumes the form of Yajna-Varäha (yajna-varäha)! O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances to You!
Text 130
vämanäya mahaujase
namo bhärgava-rämäya
rävanänta-karäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who crosses over all the worlds (vikramäkranta-loka), who is Vämana (vämana), who is all-powerful (mahaujäh), who is Parashuräma (bhärgava-räma), and who is the Räma that ended Rävana’s life (rävanänta-kara).
Text 131
namas te balarämäya
buddhäya buddha-rüpäya
tikshna-rüpäya kalkine
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who appear as Balaräma (balaräma), who kill Kamsa (kamsa-prädhvamsa-käri), who are Buddha (buddha and buddha-rüpa), who are ferocious (tikshna-rüpa), and who are Kalki (kalki).
Text 132
kapiläya dvijäya cha
ksheträya pashu-päläya
pashu-vakträya te namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who appear as Dattätreya (ätreya), whose eyes are fire (agni-netra), who appear Kapila (kapila), who are the leader of the brähmanas (dvija), who are the universal form (kshetra), who are the protector of the cows (pashu-päla), and who have a lion’s face (pashu-vaktra).
Text 133
grihasthäya vanasthäya
yataye brahmachärine
svargäpavarga-dätre cha
tad-bhoktre cha mumukshave
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are worshiped by the grihasthas (grihastha), who are worshiped by the vänaprasthas (vanastha), who are worshiped by the sannyäsis (yati), who are worshiped by the brahmachhäris (brahmachäri), who give liberation and residence in Svargaloka (svargäpavarga-dätä), who are the supreme enjoyer (tad-bhoktä), who yearn to give liberation to the living entities (mumukshu), . . .
Text 134
kshiräbdhi-shayanäya cha
shilä-väsäya te namah
. . . who appear as the Shälagräma-shilä (shälagräma-niväsa), who recline on the milk-ocean (kshiräbdhi-shayana), who reside in Shri Shaila (shri-shailädri-niväsa), and who appear as a stone (shilä-väsa).
Text 135
mahä-häsäya te namah
guhä-väsäya guhyäya
guptäya gurave namah
. . . who stay in the lotus of the yogis’ hearts (yogi-hrit-padma-väsa), and who smile and laugh (mahä-häsa). Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who stays in the cave of the heart (guhä-väsa, guhya, and gupta), and who is the supreme spiritual master (guru).
Text 136
namo mülädhiväsäya
nila-vastra-dharäya cha
pita-vasträya shasträya
rakta-vastra-dharäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the root of all existence (mülädhiväsa), who wears blue garments (nila-vastra-dhara), who wears yellow garments (pita-vastra), who is armed with many weapons (shastra), who wears red garments (rakta-vastra-dhara), . . .
Text 137
dhurandharäya dhürtäya
durdharäya dharäya cha
. . . who wears a red garland (rakta-mälä-vibhüsha), who is anointed with red scents (rakta-gandhänulepi), who is the maintainer of all (dhurandhara), who is cunning (dhürta), who is invincible (durdhara), who is the maintainer of all (dhara), . . .
Text 138
durmadäya duräntäya
durdharäya namo namah
durnirikshyäya nishthäya
durdanäya drumäya cha
. . . who is ferocious (durmada), infinite (duranta), invincible (durdhara), who is difficult to see (durnirikshya), who is faithful (nishtha), who is difficult to attain (durdana), who is like a tree (druma), . . .
Text 139
durbhedäya duräshäya
durlabhäya namo namah
driptäya dripta-vakträya
adripta-nayanäya cha
. . . who cannot be defeated (durbheda), who destroys the demons’ hopes (duräsha), who is difficult to attain (durlabha), who is ferocious (dripta), whose face is ferocious (dripta-vaktra), who is the leader of the gentle and humble (adripta-nayana), . . .
Text 140
unmattäya pramattäya
namo daityäraye namah
rasajnäya raseshäya
ärakta-rasanäya cha
. . . who is wild (unmatta and pramatta), who is the demons’ enemy (daityäri), who is expert at relishing the transcendental mellows (rasajïa), who is the king of transcendental mellows (rasesha), and whose tongue is red (ärakta-rasana).
Text 141
patyäya paritoshäya
rathyäya rasikäya cha
namas te chordhva-retase
O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances to You, who are the master of all (patya), who are filled with bliss (paritosha), who ride on a chariot (rathya), who relish transcendental mellows (rasika), who have a great mane (ürdhva-kesha), whose form is tall and massive (ürdhva-rüpa), and who are the best of the celibates (ürdhva-retäh).
Text 142
ürdhva-simhäya simhäya
namas te chordhva-bähave
shankha-chakra-dharäya cha
O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances to You, who are a gigantic lion (ürdhva-simha and simha), who have mighty arms (ürdhva-bähu), who kill the demons (para-pradhvamsaka), who hold a conch and chakra (shankha-chakra-dhara), . . .
Text 143
panca-bäna-dharäya cha
kämeshvaräya kämäya
käma-päläya kämine
. . . who hold a club and lotus (gadä-padma-dhara), who hold five arrows (panca-bäna-dhara), who are the controller of Kämadeva (kämeshvara), who are Kämadeva (käma), who protect Kämadeva (käma-päla), and who control Kämadeva (kämi).
Text 144
namah käma-vihäräya
käma-rüpa-dharäya cha
somapäya namo namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who enjoys amorous pastimes (käma-vihära), who has the power to assume any form at will (käma-rüpa-dhara), whose three eyes are the sun, moon, and fire (soma-süryägni-netra), and who protects the moon (somapa).
Text 145
namah somäya vämäya
vämadeväya te namah
säma-svanäya saumyäya
bhakti-gamyäya vai namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are Soma (soma), Väma (väma), Vämadeva (vämadeva), the hymns of the Säma Veda (säma-svana), handsome (saumya), and attainable by devotional service (bhakti-gamya).
Text 146
sarva-shreyas-karäya cha
bhishmäya bhisha-däyaiva
bhima-vikramanäya cha
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are the master of the kushandas (kushanda-gana-nätha), the benefactor of all (sarva-shreyas-kara), ferocious (bhishma and bhisha-däya), all-powerful (bhima-vikramana), . . .
Text 147
mriga-griväya jiväya
jatine jamadagnäya
namas te jäta-vedase
. . . with a lion’s neck (mriga-griva), the life of all that live (jiva), the conqueror of the demons (jita), invincible (ajita-käri), whose hair is matted (jati), who are Parashuräma (jamadagna), and who are the master of all opulences (jäta-vedäh).
Text 148
japyäya japitäya cha
sveda-jäyodbhijäya cha
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, whose complexion is the color of a rose (japa-kusuma-varna), who are glorified with japa-mantras (japya and japita), who are the creator of all living entities born from wombs (jaräyuja), who are the creator of the living entities born from eggs (anda-ja), who are the creator of living entities born from perspiration (sveda-ja), who are the creator of living entities sprouted from seeds (udbhija), . . .
Text 149
janärdanäya rämäya
jähnavi-janakäya cha
pradyumnäya pramodine
. . . who remove Your devotees’ sufferings (janärdana), who are the supreme enjoyer (räma), who are the father of the Ganges (jähnavi-janaka), who rescue the living entities from birth, old-age, and a host of troubles (jarä-janmädi-düra), who are Pradyumna (pradyumna), who are blissful (pramodi), . .
Text 150
jihvä-raudräya rudräya
virabhadräya te namah
chid-rüpäya samudräya
kad-rudräya pracetase
. . . whose tongue shows Your anger (jihvä-raudra), who are ferocious (rudra), who are heroic (virabhadra), whose form is transcendental (chid-rüpa), who are the ocean (samudra), whose are ferocious (kad-rudra), and who are most intelligent (pracetäh).
Text 151
namo ‘stv indränujäya cha
atindriyäya säräya
indirä-pataye namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who is the master of the senses (indriya), knowable by spiritual senses (indriya-jna), the younger brother of Indra (indränuja), beyond the reach of material senses (atindriya), the best (sära), the husband of the goddess of fortune (indirä-pati), . . .
Text 152
ishänäya cha idyäya
ishitäya inäya cha
vyomätmane cha vyomne cha
namas te vyoma-keshine
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are the supreme master (ishäna), the supreme object of worship (idya), the supreme controller (ishita), all-glorious (ina), and the master of the spiritual sky (vyomätmä and vyoma), and whose mane touches the sky (vyoma-keshi).
Text 153
vyoma-dhäräya cha vyoma-
namas te vyoma-damshträya
vyoma-väsäya te namah
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who hold up the sky (vyoma-dhära), whose wide-open mouth is like the sky (vyoma- vaktra), who kill the demons (asura-ghäti), whose teeth are like the sky (vyoma-damshtra), and whose home is in the spiritual sky (vyoma-väsa).
Text 154
sukumäräya rämäya
shubhäcäräya te namah
vishväya vishva-rüpäya
namo vishvätmakäya cha
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are gentle and soft (sukumära), the supreme enjoyer (räma), auspicious (shubhächära), and the universal form (vishva, vishva-rüpa, and vishvätmaka).
Text 155
jnänätmakäya jnänäya
vishveshäya parätmane
ekätmane namas tubhyam
namas te dvädashätmane
Obeisances to You, O Lord Nrisimha, who are the object of transcendental knowledge (jnänätmaka and jnäna), the master of the universe (vishvesha), the Supersoul (parätmä), the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has no rival (ekätmä), and the Supreme Lord who appears in twelve forms (dvädashätmä).
Text 156
shad-vimshakätmane nityah
. . . who appear in twenty-four forms (chatur-vimshati-rüpa), who appear in twenty-five forms (pancha-vimshati-mürti), who appear in twenty-six forms (shad-vimshakätmä), and who appear in twenty-seven forms (sapta-vimshatikätmä).
Text 157
viraktäya namo namah
bhäva-shuddhäya siddhäya
sädhyäya sharabhäya cha
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who gives religion, economic development, sense-gratification, and liberation (dharmärtha-käma-moksha), who is always aloof from matter (virakta), who is the most pure (bhäva-shuddha), who is perfect (siddha), who is the goal of spiritual life (sädhya), who is ferocious like a sharabha monster (sharabha), . . .
Text 158
prabodhäya subodhäya
namo budhi-priyäya cha
snigdhäya cha vidagdhäya
mugdhäya munaye namah
. . . who is transcendental knowledge personified (prabodha and subodha), and who is dear to the wise (budhi-priya). Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who loves His devotees (snigdha), who is most intelligent (vidagdha), who is charming (mugdha), and who is wise (muni).
Text 159
priyam-vadäya shravyäya
shruk-shruväya shritäya cha
griheshäya maheshäya
brahmeshäya namo namah
Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, who speaks sweetly (priyam-vada), whose glories should be heard (shravya), for whose pleasure yajnas are offered (shruk-shruva), the shelter of the devotees (shrita), the Lord of every home (grihesha), the Supreme Personality of Godhead (mahesha), and the Lord of the brähmanas (brahmesha).
Text 160
shridharäya sutirthäya
hayagriväya te namah
ügräya ügra-vegäya
ügra-karma-ratäya cha
O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances to You, who are the husband of the goddess of fortune (shridhara), the best of holy saints (sutirtha), the Hayagriva incarnation (hayagriva), fearsome (ügra), powerful (ügra-vega), and ferocious (ügra-karma-rata).
Text 161
ügra-neträya vyaghräya
O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances to You, whose eyes are fearsome (ügra-netra), who are ferocious (vyaghra), who have all virtues (samagra-guna-chäli), who destroy the demons and evil spirits (bala-graha-vinäsha), who destroy witches (pishächa-graha-ghäti), . . .
Text 162
dushta-graha-nihantre cha
nigrahänugrahäya cha
vrisha-dhvajäya vrishnyäya
vrishäya vrishabhäya cha
. . . who kill evil spirits (dushta-graha-nihantä), who are most merciful (nigrahänugraha), who carry a flag marked with a bull (vrisha-dhvaja), who are the best (vrishnya, vrisha, and vrishabha), . . .
Text 163
ügra-shraväya shäntäya
namah shruti-dharäya cha
namas te deva-devesha
namas te madhusüdana
. . . who are most famous (ügra-shrava), who are peaceful (shänta), who remember everything (shruti-dhara), and who are the ruler of the demigods (deva-devesha). Obeisances to You, the killer of the Madhu demon (madhusüdana).
namas ‘te pundarikäksha
namas ‘te durita-kshaya
namas ‘te karunä-sindho
namas ‘te samitinjäya
O lotus-eyed Lord (pundarikäksha), obeisances to You! O Lord who rescue Your devotees from a host of troubles (durita-kshaya), obeisances to You! O ocean of mercy (karunä-sindhu), obeisances to You! O Lord victorious in battle (samitijäya), obeisances to You!
Text 165
namas ‘te narasimhäya
namas ‘te garuda-dhvaja
yajna-netra namas te ‘stu
käla-dhvaja jaya-dhvaja
O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances to You! O Lord whose flag is marked with Garuda (garuda-dhvaja), obeisances to You! Obeisances to You, O Lord whose eyes are the Vedic yajnas (yajna-netra), whose flag is time (käla-dhvaja), who hold a victory-flag (jaya-dhvaja)!
Text 166
agni-netra namas te ‘stu
namas te hy amara-priya
mahä-netra namas te ‘stu
namas te bhakta-vatsala
O Lord whose eyes are fires (agni-netra), obeisances to You! O Lord dear to the demigods (amara-priya), obeisances to You! O Lord whose eyes are great (mahä-netra), obeisances to You! O Lord who love Your devotees (bhakta-vatsala), obeisances to You!
Text 167
dharma-netra namas te ‘stu
namas te karunä-kara
punya-netra namas te ‘stu
namas te ‘bhishta-däyaka
O eye of religion (dharma-netra), obeisances to You! O merciful one (karunä-kara), obeisances to You! O Lord whose eyes are most sacred (punya-netra), obeisances to You! O Lord who fulfills Your devotees’ desires (abhishta-däyaka), obeisances to You!
Text 168
namo namas te daya-simha-rüpa
namo namas te narasimha-rüpa
namo namas te rana-simha-rüpa
namo namas te narasimha-rüpa
O merciful lion (daya-simha-rüpa), obeisances to You! O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances to You! O warrior-lion (rana-simha-rüpa), obeisances to You! O Lord Nrisimha, obeisances to You!
Text 169
uddhatya garvitam daityam
nihatyäjau sura-dvisham
deva-käryam mahat kritvä
garjase vätma-tejase
O Lord, You have killed the proud demon who hated Your devotee, and have fulfilled Your mission of saving Your devotee. Now You roar loudly.
Text 170
ati-rudram idam rüpam
duhsaham duratikramam
drishtvä tu shankitä sarvä
devatäs tväm upägatäh
Gazing at this ferocious, powerful, and invincible form, the frightened demigods approach You.
Texts 171 and 172
etän pashyan maheshänam
brahmänam mäm shaci-patim
dik-pälän dvädashädityän
rudrän uraga-räkshasän
sarvän rishi-ganän saptam
atrim gaurim sarasvatim
lakshmim nadish cha tirthäni
ratim bhüta-ganäny api
Please look at them, at Shiva, at me, who am Brahmä, at Indra, at the dik-pälas, at the twelve Adityas, at the Rudras, at the Uragas and Rakshasas, at all the sages, at the seven sages, at Atri, Gauri, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, the sacred rivers personified, the holy places personified, Rati, and the Bhütas.
Text 173
prasida tvam mahä-simha
ügra-bhävam imam tyaja
prakriti-stho bhava tvam hi
shänta-bhävam cha dhäraya
O great lion, please be merciful to us. Please give up Your anger. Please become Your self. Please be pacified.
Text 174
ity uktvä dandavad bhümau
papäta sa pitämahah
prasida tvam prasida tvam
prasideti punah punah
After speaking these words, Grandfather Brahmä fell to the ground like a stick. Again and again he said: Please be merciful! Please be merciful! Please be merciful with your god fearing female devotees!
"thank you so much!"
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