Extremely Beautiful Vegetarian is a message board that is dedicated to Lord Gopala Krsna Sri Krsna's form when he was a child and his foster mother Yasoda!
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye! eternal merciful father my best friend Axis of evil Lord Sri Krsna! We ask for your causeless mercy please allow the souls of all our extremely beautiful Palestinian brothers and sisters that are suffering horrible physical pain and chronic illnesses to vacate their bodies and invade our eternal kingdom! our adored extremely beautiful brothers and sisters that are trapped and are being tortured in a horrific warzone created by very ignorant ruthless sadistic greedy racist rapist lying thieve genocider military men! supreme destroyer Sri Krsna! Knower of the hidden! supreme controller creator of all that is! kind benefactor forbearing Infallible teacher! Lord of Lords! illuminator! Most pure noble one! King of kings! possessor of Majesty and honor! Original cause of existence! creator of all that is! Owner of everything! embodiment of truth! embodiment of peace! All pervading one! Supreme Bestower! All knowing one! All seeing one! All hearing one! Embodiment of justice! Impartial judge! Great forgiver! Acceptor of repentance! Infuser of faith! Infuser of a new life! beautiful Almighty eternal father my best friend Sri Krsna pretty please with sugar on top allow the souls of all our brothers and sisters to join their extremely beautiful friends and family in our eternal divine kingdom where eternal life begins and they will be happy and loved forever and ever and will "not" incarnate into any material world or material universe of pain, suffering and anxiety ever again! We love you with all our heart with all our soul with all our strength forever and ever! Thank you so much! -All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
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