Saturday, November 18, 2023

Post it Note: During this auspicious time of Kartik is not business as usual there is nothing to celebrate in the midst of the senseless torture and slaughter of our colour brothers and sisters in third world countries that have been intentionally blocked from the mercy of the Lord by racist, cruel, greedy military people! our brothers and sisters the Palestinians , African people, indigenous Latin American people, Meztizo and the Afro Latino American People that are currently at the mercy of racists greedy cruel military men! "God fearing devotee please continue your daily prayers for the liberation of the souls of the world's people that are trapped in cycle of reincarnation on this earth and do your best to obey the Lord's mandates of moral behavior!" All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

for the first time reader!  Please know that when I say our brothers and sisters this is literally what our relationship is. We are parts and parcels of the same creator Lord Krsna! don't ever forget that! See you there! Rhade! Rhade!

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