Thursday, November 16, 2023

Post It Note: "it's not my fault!"Everything that happens in all creation is part of Lord Krsna's divine plan!! "Although most of the men that Lord Krsna chose to govern ( manage) and take care and educate the world's people are very sure that the 'Law of Cause and Effect' is 'fictional' for you out there god fearing devotee don't let that derail you from obeying god's mandates, "the law of cause and effect is very real' and we are all held accountable for every choice that we make either in the present life that we live or in the next life that follows the current life that we are living! Please Don't Forget! death is only the beginning of a new life! This may not be a consolation for most of us who are watching the atrocities that are being created by ignorant selfish greedy extremely racist men in a lot of countries around world 'mostly' third world countries' and it is difficult to accept that these selfish greedy ignorant sadistic extremely racist men continue to create more 'severe' problems not only for themselves and their families but for all of us who are victims of their choices! know for a fact that the violent and sadistic way of life that this ignorant selfish greedy extremely racist men created and force us to be part of is not 'normal' These selfish racist greedy men have used and are using the sacred knowledge that was given to them by Lord Krsna through the thread of diciplic secession in order for them to make the lives of every living entity on this earth easier and more tolerant yet this men fooling themselves into believing that they are "gods" have chosen to use all this knowledge against all of us in order for them and their cool buddies to enjoy temporary wealth and sense enjoyment! write it down the law of cause and effect is severe, everything happens for a reason and it will pay off big time to stay in the mode of goodness even if it kill us or hurts us! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

  Let me show you my friend:,s%C5%ABtra%20(janm%C4%81dy%20asya%20yata%E1%B8%A5).

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