"That has nothing to do with me!" Is not business as usual, and, there no excuse for hurting our brothers and sisters! There is collective karma and there is individual karma that soul experiences in the material universes!
Although, the people who are participating in commiting the atrocities against the Palestinian people do not believe in reincarnation nor in the law of cause and effect know that this is a fact of life. We wish that we could change this but this truth was given to us by Lord Krsna himself and it is written in our holy books as an act of mercy to help us understand why we are here.
There is nothing normal about living in a world of pain and suffering, a reality in which a living entity is always hurting something or someone. Feeling pain and anxiety, is not normal. For instance, the ocean although very beautiful and crystal clear is a slaughter house for fish, in which fish eat other fish in a daily basis, being eaten alive is not normal, being eaten alive is a horrible way to die, even for a fish. Every where around us there is always something or someone getting hurt, death is always right around the corner, however a human being has the ability to chose, so for all you young people out there don't let this psychopathic racist old rich men influence your destiny nor allow them to convince you that you can hurt others and that you will not be held accountable for hurting others, that way of thinking is exactly what got our souls here in this world; the only reason why you are here is to bind yourself to god and become self realized and go back home where eternal life begins hurting and teaching other people how to hurt others will keep you locked in the cycle of reincarnation with little chance of ever leaving material worlds where you will encounter horrible suffering.
Let me show you my friend https://harekrishnarevolution.wordpress.com/2011/07/02/8-4-million-species-of-life/
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