It is evident that when the most smart Vedic scholar and western scholar got together to talk about a lot of things including lower animal killing such as cows and bulls they did not believe in the law of cause and effect nor reincarnation otherwise they would have dedicated their entire lives to educate all the men in the world to create laws that protected women since 1789 when "An Act to regulate the time and manner of administering certain Oaths" was passed by the United States Congress" but instead these men created laws that legalized violence against women and removed god from the picture and instead created a fictional narrative that slandered god into a racist perverted sadistic bigot thieve that enjoys beaten up on women and children and experimenting with humanity at large and this is the reason why the calamities and plagues that are happening right now will intensified. The United States of America sets the example for all the world's nations to follow. Women are the foundation of this civilization. Women are the prosperity of this civilization! Women are the Lord's daughters! He loves his daughters very much they make him extremely happy! the Lord is our creator , protector, sustainer, maintainer, and benefactor! He is the only person that we are here to please! The "only" reason why this world was created was for all souls that incarnate here to bind "hook" themselves back to god, pay their karmic dues and return to the Lord's divine kingdom and never ever have to suffer again! The souls that incarnated into the bodies of women and children were not meant to be programmed by malicious deceitful competitive men to be hooked on illicit sex, meat eating, illicit drugs including alcohol! making more problems for one another, intentionally making life more miserable than it already is and continuing to hurt one another by disconnecting ourselves from the love and mercy of the Lord will continue to create severe problems for all the living entities even if they are more technologically advanced such living entities from the planet mars.
All glories to Sri guru and Sri guaranga!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Sri Rhada Krsna! All glories to Sri Narasimha bhagavan! All glories to praladha maharaja! All glories to Jagathata puri!!
Jai gurudev! Jai Lord Sri Krsna!
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