Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Yogini Ekadahi continues...

 During this sacred ekadashi let us reflect on Srimati Rhadarani .i.e  Rhada, Rade, Hare at her lotus feet! and the fact that Srimati Rhadarani is represented by women kind. "Women" are Srimati Rhadarani, whether they are from China, Africa, El Salvador, Colombia, The United States, Dubai, Qatar, Egypt, Israel, Palestain, Pakistan,  India,  Japan, Nepal, Cuba, Puerto Rico,   Korea,  Vietnam, Taiwan,  The Netherlands, Spain,  Greece, Canada,  France, Russia, Dominican Republic, Australia, Fiji, Mars, Pleaides,  regardless of their national origin or home planet all women are a sacred representation of Srimati Rhadarani. 

you will learn  that our current human civilization that has been managed by Brahmana and military men has derailed completely from god's original purpose for humanity as you investigate the relationship that our blessed Lord has with his wife  Srimati Rhadarani you will know clearly that the Lord does support or licenses  any form of abuse towards women period.

"The potency for pleasure completely captivates Krishna Himself. This energy is represented by Radha, Krishna’s female counterpart. Radha is the embodiment of highest love for Krishna. Love captivates Krishna's heart completely and gives everyone in the spiritual world the highest pleasure!"

Our Inter Stellar relationship with our divine family that lives in the spiritual world "vikunthas" "eternal life"  depends  solely on our ability to have a sincere loving relationship with god "Krsna"  that does not allow any form of violence towards women, the lower animals, or the earth.

Just like every country in this world has a military defense system to protect "them" from foreign invaders or terrorists attacks, the more advance civilization in the material universes do not allow violence to be part of their life experience  and therefore will not authorize the participation of this current human race with their societies; for brahmana and military men  to have given themselves the legal right to hurt women in the most horrific inhuman ways that have deteriorated most if not all women kind and have caused most of them to become mentally ill ( violence is a mental illness) by knowingly and intentionally sabotaging their natural and sincere connection with god this is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord. 

It is clear that even Brahmanas who identify themselves as Krsna devotees  do not believe in reincarnation or the law of cause and effect otherwise the horrible abuse of women would have never taken place.

It is the duty of Brahmanas and military to insure that the human race is guide in the path of devotional of service so that the "human race" can become super rich in the spiritual world. In god's  creation there is no such thing as over population or scarcity,  their is limitless abundance and love for every entity to take part of without hurting anyone or anything.                     

at the lotus feet of srimati rhadarani, at the lotus feet of Lord Nithyananda Prabhu at the Lotus feet of Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu my Lord and Savior! 

Jai! Sri Krsna!

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