Friday, June 16, 2023

religion continues to shrink in the United States of America!

 Lord Krsna at his Lotus feet will like to let you know that as you continue your inquiry about the nature of mental illness that most of humanity is suffering from and  the origins of sexual assault and the ruthless and sadistic inhumane verbal,  financial, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual abuse of women and little girls you will find that this horrible crime was rooted more strongly in the  "Manu Samhita" "  by the European Philologists and it was distorted and altered even further by Sir William Jones when he published his version of the Manu Samhita in 1794 decriminalized  the current cruel and illegal abuse, and exploitation of women and little girls in all countries on this planet earth by the male Brahmana cast and male military   said alterations and distortions of god's laws that regulate and guide human society ; distortions and alterations of the "laws" that the Lord orally transmitted to his loyal trusted disciples Manu at his lotus feet and  Vyasadeva at his Lotus feet  is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord.

BG Chapters 13 - 18

There are many rules and regulations guiding human behavior, such as the Manu-saṁhitā, which is the law of the human race. Even up to today, those who are Hindu follow the Manu-saṁhitā. Laws of inheritance and other legalities are derived from this book.
BG 16.7, Purport

As for behavior, there are many rules and regulations guiding human behavior, such as the Manu-saṁhitā, which is the law of the human race. Even up to today, those who are Hindu follow the Manu-saṁhitā. Laws of inheritance and other legalities are derived from this book. Now, in the Manu-saṁhitā it is clearly stated that a woman should not be given freedom. That does not mean that women are to be kept as slaves, but they are like children. Children are not given freedom, but that does not mean that they are kept as slaves. The demons have now neglected such injunctions, and they think that women should be given as much freedom as men. However, this has not improved the social condition of the world. Actually, a woman should be given protection at every stage of life. She should be given protection by the father in her younger days, by the husband in her youth, and by the grownup sons in her old age. This is proper social behavior according to the Manu-saṁhitā. But modern education has artificially devised a puffed—up concept of womanly life, and therefore marriage is practically now an imagination in human society. Nor is the moral condition of woman very good now. The demons, therefore, do not accept any instruction which is good for society, and because they do not follow the experience of great sages and the rules and regulations laid down by the sages, the social condition of the demoniac people is very miserable.

you can read more about the Laws of Manu at his lotus feet  (,_the_lawbook_for_mankind   ) (please keep in mind that all this laws have been altered by Caucasian business military men that financed the pornographic industry, the music and entertainment industry that has damaged the mind of most of the youth in the world who have been programmed to be sexually, verbally, emotionally, mentally, physically, financially,  abusive & sadistic towards women and little girls ;  Youth that have been programmed to be addicted to drugs and alcohol and to take up arms for fun and pleasure and carry out random shootings ;  Youth that are absolutely sure that they are greater than god, and that when we die, life is over; Youth that have no problem hurting others or killing themselves if  they don't get what they want: Youth that have been programmed to believe that life is a game:  Youth that have been programmed to use illicit sex  with multiple partners get women or young girls or  little girls pregnant  or even sexually assault them ; Youth that in that state of absolute ignorance sentence their souls to be incarnated in lower forms of life such as pigs,  dogs, monkeys, cows or bulls or flies or roaches. 

Some male Brahmanas would even argue that the souls of these unfortunate male youth who degrade their souls to such abominable levels will incarnate into the bodies of women and experience what is like to be used and left to suffer with the responsibility of raising a child without a father, because being incarnated into the body of woman is a punishment according to some Brahmana men. Our blessed Lord Krsna will like to reinstate your mind with reality by letting you that the souls of the youth who abuse their bodies and  mistreat women and young girls and disregard their own progeny will not incarnate into the body of women in their next incarnation but rather abominable forms such as pigs, dogs and monkeys, cows, bulls, flies or roaches. The Lord will like to make you aware once again that being born in in the body of a human being  be it a "woman" or "man" is a very rare occurrence for a soul who has incarnated into this material world. The only reason why you are here is to become superrich in the spiritual world by having a loving relationship with the god of your understanding "Krsna" .

at the lotus feet of Srimati Rhadarani, at the Lotus feet of Lord Nithyananda Prabhu, at the Lotus feet of Lord Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabu my Lord and savior!

Jai! Sri Krsna!


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