Lord Krsna is given you a direct order to make sure that the military in your country is educated with the science of god, the science of Krsna! So that they are able to become super rich in the spiritual world.
1.The Lord will like to remind you that his laws are crystal clear and that "Any form" of Illicit Sex (Rape) is illegal.
2. Boasting about having Illicit Sex (Rape) and Inciting others to have Illicit sex or to sexually pray ( to rape) on a woman or a little girl is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord.
3.The Lord orders all military personnel in all countries to stop using sexual torture as a way to domesticate women and to oppress them. It is your duty to protect and care for women, not to hurt them in any way shape or form.
4.the Lord is ordering all the military in every country to persecute any person that uses or allows sexual torture or violence against little girls or women, even if they are a military officer such as General.
5.The lord orders for the military to make sure that HIS laws are obeyed. The Lord orders for the military to deployed troops in areas where women are being kept as sex slaves and they are being sexually tortured such in Tigray Ethiopia where military people are currently punishing women by abusing them sexually, physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually . The Lord will like to add that all these young girls and women must receive immediate psychological assistance so that they are able to reinstate themselves with the love of god "self love"
6.The Lord orders for all prostitution brothels in every country where young women are being kept as sex slaves to be shutdown immediately and for these women to be given immediate psychological assistance and a safe place for them to live so that they are able to reinstate themselves with divine love of god that has been raped from them by all the sexual predators that have abused them.
7.The Lord orders for any solicitors of paid illicit sex "prostitution" to be persecuted as rapists.
8. Forcing women to have illicit sex ( to allowed themselves to be raped) in order for them to have food and shelter or for them to have a job or financial support is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord.
9. Alcohol use and any form of mind altering drugs "illicit drugs" is illegal.
10.The Lord orders for the pornographic industry to be shutdown immediately and for all the actors of this industry to be given immediate psychological assistance so they can reinstate themselves with the love of god their inherent nature and become super rich in the spiritual world.
11.The Lord orders for the entertainment industry to stop producing films that teach young boys to sexually torture women and to abuse them. Using the excuse of "freedom of expression" in order to damage the minds of young people is a severe crime at the lotus feet of he lord.
12.The Lord orders for all Brahmanas and military men to see that all young girls, women, and elderly women are given their own free living accommodations so that they have mental and emotional and financial stability in order for them to understand god and learn the science of Krsna, and achieve the goal of all human life which is to be the lord's servants instead of forcing and training young girls and women to continue to have illicit sex (rape themselves) so that they can have food and a place to live. money, and some form of protection from law enforcement.
13.The Lord orders all the men that identify themselves as Brahmanas, scientist, and military to stop creating biological weapons such as the COVID-19 virus and HIV-Virus to experiment on His beloved children "humanity" for Brahmanas, and military to continue supporting and allowing Pharmaceutical corporations i.e. W.H.O to use this method of experimentation is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the lord. Allowing and supporting the use of toxic pesticides and chemicals in the food, water and air that makes people ill with diseases such as "cancer" and "diabetes" is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord. Producing Viruses, bacterias or other Pathogens to experiment on the Lords beloved children makes them sick or kills them. This is a severe offence at the Lotus feet of the Lord.
14.For any one who identifies themselves as a Brahmana or devotee to proclaim that he is superior than then Lord is a severe offence at the Lotus feet of the Lord.
15. Lord Krsna is the absolute creator and proprietor, protector and maintainer of planet earth along with all other planetary systems, For any men to falsely proclaim that planet earth belongs to humanity and have fraudulently given themselves ownerships rights over it's lands, air , waters, and space is a severe offence at the Lotus feet of the Lord.
at the lotus feet of srimati rhadarani, at the lotus feet of Lord Nithyananda Prabhu at the Lotus feet of Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu my Lord and Savior!
Jai! Sri Krsna!
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