In regards to dismissing or ignoring, allowing and supporting sexual torture of women and little girls the current brutal and criminal abuse (assault .i.e attacks ) of women in every country because is their karma to experience sexual torture and to be verbally, financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually abused by men, this is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord. To allow anyone to raise little girls as prostitutes, or to allow, support or operate any business of prostitution; for anyone to force a woman or a little girl to have illicit sex through a forced marriage (against her will) in order for her to have food and shelter and some form of protection, to punish a woman or little girl for refusing to have sex during a forced marriage, or consensual marriage is against the Law of god; for men to have given themselves ownership over womenkind and to continue to perceive women as their property is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord, the sole proprietor of all women is the Lord at his Lotus feet ; to educate little girls and women to be men's sexual objects is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord. Using our sacred teachings from our holy books such as the "Bhagavad Gita As Is" to justify the abuse of women and little girls is a severe offence at the lotus feet of the Lord
Please keep in mind that all the orally transmitted teaching "Vedas" that our blessed Lord imparted and trusted to his loyal disciple Vyasadeva at his lotus feet were altered at the request of very smart wealthy Military business men during the British Occupation of India and later more alterations took place to our holy scriptures when His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada translated our holy books, said alterations that have taken place have given justification for this ruthless perverse military business men sadistic criminal behavior to continue to use sexual torture, verbal, financial, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual abuse against women and little girls in every country on planet earth; the same alterations have taken place in all the holy bibles and sacred writings of all religions. All Bibles, sacred writings, sastras, sutras etc come from the same source Lord Krsna at his Lotus Feet! Krsna is the source of all religions on this planet earth!
Please keep in mind that our blessed Lord at his lotus feet has zero tolerance for any form of violence and abuse against women and little girls and this offence is not dismissed by chanting 1 trillion rounds of the Maha Mantra or observing our holy Ekadashis or doing any form of sacrifice nor by getting a very deceitful and dishonorable attorney to dismiss cruelty against women and little girls in a court of law that is ran by mostly misogynistic judges that have allowed the horrible and brutal abuse of women and little girls to continue to take place at the mercy of this wealthy military men in every country on this planet earth . Who are absolutely sure that they are greater than god, and that the law of cause and effect is fictional and that there is no such thing as reincarnation and that being the Lord's servant "believing in god" makes one soft. Any form of Illicit sex is against the law of god .
at the lotus feet of srimati rhadarani, at the lotus feet of Lord Nithyananda Prabhu at the Lotus feet of Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu my Lord and Savior!
Chapter 2 text 11 is an example of a teaching that has been used to allow sexual torture and abuse of women and little girls in every country in this world. Let me be clear! The law of cause and effect is very strict. There are no gray areas.
asocyan anvasocas tvam
prajna-vadams ca bhasase
gatasun agatasums ca
nanusocanti panditah
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