Tuesday, June 13, 2023

As we prepare ourselves for the Yogini Ekadashi

 Please keep in mind that during this ekadashi you can eat fruit or drink juice or water!

Devotees from other religions observing this ekadashi meditating with prayer is the same action as when  vaishnavan devotee stays focus in chanting the holy name hare krsna hare krsna krsna Krsna Krsna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama hare hare

During these final days, it is a very intelligent thing to do for all of us to do our best to repair our connection with god, knowing absolutely, that we are His loving sweet servants and that we did not incarnated into this reality to hurt anyone or anything.

Don't forget that the only person that will be with you when you leave your current incarnation will be Krsna (god) the "supreme person" no one else and this a very good reason for all of us to remain focus in what is truly important in life. 

Knowing for a fact that there is such thing as an eternal blissful life and that this reality that we are all experiencing is temporary and that it is our stubbornness and envy that we all have towards our creator is what keep us locked in the cycle of reincarnation, moving from one body to another, from one race to another race, being born in different countries,  from a human being to a cow or a bull or a tree or grass.

Knowing for a fact that god has been very merciful with all of us by giving us a human body so we could use this opportunity to become super rich in the spiritual world and never "ever" have to experience or witness the most horrible crimes and abuse of power.

at the lotus feet of srimati rhadarani, at the lotus feet of Lord Nithyananda Prabhu at the Lotus feet of Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu my Lord and Savior!

 Jai! Sri Krsna!

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