Monday, June 5, 2023

Announcing the 10 Avatars of Lord Krsna at his lotus feet ( Vishnu and Lord Krsna is the same thing)

    Matsya at his lotus feet  This is the first incarnation of Lord Krsna. It happened in the Satya Yuga. In this Avatara, Lord Krsna appeared in a part-fish and part-man form and saved Manu and seven sages along with other species of animals from the Great Deluge.


Kumavtara at his lotus feet  (Kurma means a turtle) means incarnation of Lord Krsna as a turtle. It was the second incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In this incarnation, Lord Vishnu helped gods and demons to churn the milky sea and take out the nectar. Lord Vishnu further made sure that demons did not get the nectar.

Lord Krsna incarnated as a half boar and half man Varaha at his lotus feet . (Varaha Purana )  He killed a demon Hiranyaksha who had taken the earth at the bottom of a cosmic sea and restored the Earth in its place. This avatar took place in Satya Yuga.



Sri Nrasimha at his lotus feet  Avatar (Nara means “man” and Simha means “lion”) was the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu in the form of a part-man and part-lion who killed the despotic demon king Hiranyakashipu and restored dharma on the Earth. This incarnation happened in Satya Yuga. 

  Vamana at his lotus feet  (means dwarf) Avatar was the fifth incarnation of Lord Krsna that took place in the Treta Yuga. He was the first incarnation of Krsna as a human being. He took back the kingdom of gods from Asura king Bali and gave it back to the king of demi-Gods, Indra.

Parshuram at his lotus feet, the Brahmin warrior, is the sixth incarnation of Lord Krsna. He is one of the eight immortals of Hindu mythology. He is a Brahmin who turned into a warrior after the murder of his parents by Kshatriyas. Lord Parashurama got a divine ax from Lord Shiva to kill Kshatriyas who had forgotten their dharma. It took place in the Treta Yuga.

Lord Rama at his lotus feet was the seventh incarnation of Narayana. He was the prince of Ayodhya who later became a king. He killed the demon king Ravana who abducted his wife Sita and freed many human beings captive. It took place in the Treta Yuga.

Lord Krsna at his lotus feet was the eighth incarnation of Lord Krsna. He killed many demons and guided Pandavas to kill the evil Duryodhana and his forces. He also narrated Bhagavadgita to Arjuna which is a major book of Hindus. It took place in the Dvapara Yuga.

As per Hinduism, Gautama Buddha at his lotus feet  is the ninth incarnation of Lord Krsna. This avatar took place in Kali Yuga. He spread the message of peace through  Buddhism

Many Vaishnavites believe that Balarama at his lotus feet was the ninth Avatar of Lord Krsna and not Lord Buddha, but commonly, he is believed to be an incarnation of Sheshanaga. Lord Balarama was the elder brother of Lord Krishna. He helped him kill Kamsa and many other demons. His weapon was a divine plow and is the god of agriculture and strength.

Kali at his lotus feet Avatar will be the tenth and final incarnation of Lord Krsna. He would free Earth of all the sinners and restore Dharma. 


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