Thursday, June 8, 2023

About Krishna ( Lord Vishu)



Lord Krsna at his lotus feet will like to make you aware that all the paintings depicting his pastimes were also altered at the request of the male Caucasian Military Business men that sponsored the publishing of the Lord's Sacred Knowledge all over the world. 

Although, it would of been great to showcase the diversity of race in all his paintings created by unknown artists devotees it is hard to find any drawings or paintings that devotee artists have created showing the participation of all races during the Lord's pastimes. 

Having said that all native indigenous people have preserve the branches of the Lord's pastimes through their cultures, such as the Dogon in Africa,  Aztecs in Central America, Mayan in South America, Maori in New Zealand, Hopi in the United States of America  and all the rest. 

Extremely beautiful Vegetarian will like to disclose to you that all the internet information that you read through other websites such as Encyclopedia  Britanica , Wikipedia will like to deceive you into believing that the Lord and his pastimes are part of Hindu Mythology, we will like to assure you that the Lord is as real as your hands, your eyes, your feet your entire body,  the Lord is as real as the metrobus the train, the cars, the computers, etc.. . the Lord is very real as the sun and all the stars that you see in the night sky, so please don't let them  fool you, and inspite of all the highly offensive  alterations, continue to enjoy the Srimad Bhagavatan and the BhagavadGita As Is because through this books the Lord is allowing you to understand HIM inspite of the male ego that has done everything possible to disconnect you with god.

at the lotus feet of srimati rhadarani, at the lotus feet of Lord Nithyananda Prabhu at the Lotus feet of Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu my Lord and Savior!

 Jai! Sri Krsna!

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