It is evident that the current male Bramanan Society of all religions does not believe in reincarnation otherwise, they would not abuse and discriminate women the way that they have done so for centuries. rather, this men would spend their entire devotional lives making sure that laws were created to protect women in every country from financial, physical, emotional and spiritual assault, in order to please the Lord. It is evident that this male Bramanan people feel that they are immune from karmic retribution and that the Lord has given them protection to support and allow the abuse of little girls, young girls, adult women, elderly women with the assistance of the military.
It is a blessing that since the time of Maharaja Pariksit the Bramin cast became impotent after Srngi the Brahmana boy ignorantly cursed the pious wonderful king because otherwise we would be in a worst situation that we are in right now considering the mess that we have created collectively by not obeying the Lord's mandates and abusing the sacred knowledge and mystical gifts that the Lord gave us in order for us to become super rich in the spiritual world and instead we have abused the Lord's sacred knowledge and have continued to materialized violence against the earth, women, children, men, and lower animals such as cows and bulls as a normal way of life that is celebrated, rewarded and taught repeatedly in most if not all educational institutions in every country on this earth planet.
Let me elaborate about the impotency of Brahmana cast/Scientist, during the time of Maharaja Pariksit, women were also part of the Brahmana cast/scientists . The Brahmana cast/scientist maintained continuous contact with with the civilizations that are our divine eternal family who reside in the vikunta planets ; the vikuntha planets are beyond the material universes, that includes the planets in a solar system such as the Sun, the earth, planet (Surya), the moon, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Mars, the Pleiades, Sirus, Ketu, Rahu at their lotus feet and every star that you see in the night sky and more . Know for a fact, that if you place a grain of sand in the palm of your hand, that is the size of all material universes on Lord Krsna, your creator's hand. Most of us who will make it to the Vikuntha planets the spiritual world, will not be traveling there in a spaceship and we will not be returning to this reality.
During the time of Paritsit Maraja women were cared for and protected they were Not forced to become the objects of men's pleasures and abuse, at that time we the human race were still inter stellar; the Brahmana cast/scientist possessed the sacred transcendental gifts of kindness, compassion and mercy for all people and in this way our human civilization was collectively rich, very wealthy, not only in the materialistic sense but in the spiritual, mental, emotional sense.
The Brahmana cast/Scientist were able to maintained entire environments pure some of them were able to shift to another form at will in front of a person, or travel to other star systems without the use of space crafts. Voyages in space crafts to other galaxies was a normal accurance and this voyages were available for all people, not just the current male rich engineers, and male business people and their perverse male scientist, and the male military buddies that control and manipulate all ways of communication for their personal pleasures that excludes the participation of everyone in the world that remain in the dark about the science of god and the reason why Lord Sri Krsna created human beings.
Now, we just have a whole bunch male hoodlums dressed in robes and uniforms, some of this ignorant baffoons are dressed in civilian clothing giving authority to ignorant military men to continue to abuse women and to teach young boys to use women and abuse them condemning everyone in this civilization to commit spiritual suicide by forcing them to materialize violence against women maintaining the vibration of this reality at the level of violent ignorant animals and not human beings that are able to become super rich in the spiritual world.
You have learned in some of the Srimad Bhagavatan pastimes of our Lord Krsna, that even the Vaishnavans Bramins or Arcaryas derailed from their noble path by choosing to abuse women even until this day. This difunctional sadistic relationship between men and women has to end, this hatred and envy that men have towards women has to end, in order for this civilization to become rich in the spiritual world.
Currently, most of the male Brahmana cast / Scientist are more interested in protecting their male self interest and their male devotees, rather than protecting and caring for their female devotees, some clergy continue to protect the interest of their rich male buddies who give them large donations who have perverse sexual appetites, men who have no problem creating all sorts of weapons and drugs to experiment on the ignorant people of the world who still think that the people who are cast in talk shows are real people sharing their problems and that they are not coached to following a script by the producers behind the scenes.
Ignorant people who believe that a yogi, swami, maharani, nuns, monks, healers, priest, priestesses spend their time having sex with the Sheitan , the Jinn, ghosts and Rakshasas and that this holy people are all witches. Ignorant people who think that sacred prasadan is black magic and is going to put a spell on them . And, all of this malicious damaging programing has been created and shared by the male Clergy/Scientist and the military in order to decapitate god fearing people and sabotage their human evolution and continue to make everyone's life harder than it already is.
It has been the conscious actions of the male Brahmana cast/ scientists with the help of the military that has allowed the age of Kali to continue to flourish and to become very successful at deteriorating every part of this civilization by focusing in inflicting the most horrible spiritual, psychological and physical trauma into women's mind, body, and psychic, this very smart, well planned massive spiritual and emotional decapitation of women that has been going on for centuries has set the stage for the current calamities and karmic retribution that afflict us. Srimati Rhadarani at her lotus feet is the divine partner of the Lord, she is the nourishing force of all creation, the Lord's potency and she represents all women the feminine aspect of the Lord, when one woman suffers all the world suffers. Let me be extremely clear, Lord Sri Krsna, adores women, and it is the role of men to protect women and care for women not to abuse them in any way shape or form. Currently, all god fearing religious women in this world are being held against their will "hostage" by this male Bramanan people and the male military that forces women to assimilate and support male violent sadistic perverse behavior in order to allow women to earn dignified salaries.
It is a fact that everything that is happening in this planet and in all other planets is part of the Lord's divine plan. It is understood that this reality is a perverse representation of the eternal reality that we experience when we reach the Vikuntha planets and that the reason why we are here is because we are very problematic, and we made very bad mistakes, and most of us are convinced that we are the center of creation and that we are god like, and that there is no accountability for the actions that we choose to act out in this reality; however, it is also understood that the Lord has given spiritual amnesty to all people, women, children, men who choose to follow his mandates and become super rich in the spiritual world. This spiritual Amnesty that is given by our Lord Sri Krsna, protects all god fearing people from being spiritually derailed and programmed into accepting violence as a way of life.
So, how can we relate the following Srimad Bhagavatan passage with the Mohini Ekadashi? You decide!
ŚB 1.18.47
पापं कृतं तद्भगवान् सर्वात्मा क्षन्तुमर्हति ॥ ४७ ॥
pāpaṁ kṛtaṁ tad bhagavān
sarvātmā kṣantum arhati
apāpeṣu — unto one who is completely free from all sins; sva-bhṛtyeṣu — unto one who is subordinate and deserves to be protected; bālena — by a child; apakva — who is immature; buddhinā — by intelligence; pāpam — sinful act; kṛtam — has been done; tat bhagavān — therefore the Personality of Godhead; sarva-ātmā — who is all-pervading; kṣantum — just to pardon; arhati — deserve.
Then the ṛṣi prayed to the all-pervading Personality of Godhead to pardon his immature boy, who had no intelligence and who committed the great sin of cursing a person who was completely free from all sins, who was subordinate and who deserved to be protected.
Everyone is responsible for his own action, either pious or sinful. Ṛṣi Śamīka could foresee that his son had committed a great sin by cursing Mahārāja Parīkṣit, who deserved to be protected by the brāhmaṇas, for he was a pious ruler and completely free from all sins because of his being a first-class devotee of the Lord. When an offense is done unto the devotee of the Lord, it is very difficult to overcome the reaction. The brāhmaṇas, being at the head of the social orders, are meant to give protection to their subordinates and not to curse them. There are occasions when a brāhmaṇa may furiously curse a subordinate kṣatriya or vaiśya, etc., but in the case of Mahārāja Parīkṣit there were no grounds, as already explained. The foolish boy had done it out of sheer vanity in being a brāhmaṇa’s son, and thus he became liable to be punished by the law of God. The Lord never forgives a person who condemns His pure devotee. Therefore, by cursing a king the foolish Śṛṅgi had committed not only a sin but also the greatest offense. Therefore the ṛṣi could foresee that only the Supreme Personality of Godhead could save his boy from his sinful act. He therefore directly prayed for pardon from the Supreme Lord, who alone can undo a thing which is impossible to change. The appeal was made in the name of a foolish boy who had developed no intelligence at all.
A question may be raised herein that since it was the desire of the Lord that Parīkṣit Mahārāja be put into that awkward position so that he might be delivered from material existence, then why was a brāhmaṇa’s son made responsible for this offensive act? The answer is that the offensive act was performed by a child only so that he could be excused very easily, and thus the prayer of the father was accepted. But if the question is raised why the brāhmaṇa community as a whole was made responsible for allowing Kali into the world affairs, the answer is given in the Varāha Purāṇa that the demons who acted inimically toward the Personality of Godhead but were not killed by the Lord were allowed to take birth in the families of brāhmaṇas to take advantage of the Age of Kali. The all-merciful Lord gave them a chance to have their births in the families of pious brāhmaṇas so that they could progress toward salvation. But the demons, instead of utilizing the good opportunity, misused the brahminical culture due to being puffed up by vanity in becoming brāhmaṇas. The typical example is the son of Śamīka Ṛṣi, and all the foolish sons of brāhmaṇas are warned hereby not to become as foolish as Śṛṅgi and to be always on guard against the demoniac qualities which they had in their previous births. The foolish boy was, of course, excused by the Lord, but others, who may not have a father like Śamīka Ṛṣi, will be put into great difficulty if they misuse the advantages obtained by birth in a brāhmaṇa family.
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