It is beyond repulsive to live in a world where male misogynistic religious corporations and military corporations and scientific corporation have done their best to inflict the worst pain and suffering into women just because these men envy and hate women.
the other day this article caught our attention in regards to religion in America: :
It is absolutely safe to say that the reason why the importance of religion is shrinking in America is because of the verbal, physical, financial, emotional, mental, and spiritual assault that the male operated religious groups in all religions including hare Krsnas have inflicted into women with the assistance of the male military corporation and the male run scientific corporations that allows the massive abuse and rape of women most recently in Ethiopia , and in 1994 in the Urganda Genocide,%2C%20sexually%20mutilated%2C%20or%20murdered.. It is safe to say that all this military men and their scientist buddies who have programmed this reality to allow and support the rape of women must be fired immediately and let god handle the rest. Since, the current laws that this military men created protects them from being held accountable in a court of law.
And this is the reason why NATO and the US military, and Indian military and their Allies continue to allow massive rapes in Ethiopia, and then they make up, the same excuses, we don't get involve in foreign conflicts and the truth is that they are very much involve in everything that happens in Africa, and in every country that they have impoverished and made into a third world country by purposely allowing the cruel abuse of women that are the nourishment and prosperity of all societies.
The male "One World Military" in every country were aware that this physical and sexual assaults against women in Ethiopia were taken place, and this military men allowed it to happen knowing very well, that Lord Krsna, is absolutely against any form of violence against other living entities and that women are very sacred and they symbolized Srimati Rhadarani at her lotus feet. Srimati Rhadarani is Lord Krsna's everything.
These "One World military" such as in Europe, and that cowardly woman beating NATO could have have prevented this horrible assaults against the Ethiopian women and instead this men chose to deliberately ignore that these horrible assaults are taken place and they chose to continue to play with their retarded weapons in their stupid war games with their Russian drinking buddies wasting tax payers money. (even Angelina Jolie made that big speech as the Special Envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR in 2018 and explain to the "One World military soldiers" that they cannot rape women but these military men just see boobs and ass when a woman speaks, and they make all sort of fraudulent promises in order to shut women up when they get to smart or too loud)
It is nauseating to live in a world where Brahmanas have taught the military men that they have the right t to sexually assault women and abuse them . The hate and envy that this brahmana men and military men have towards women is so obvious that it can it can no longer be ignored. In 2018 Angelina Jolie Made her speech at NATO about sexual violence towards women, and yet 2021, NATO allowed the massive rape of Ethiopian women.
In 2023 NATO continues to allow the sexual assaults of Ethiopian women to continue in Tigray This is a severe violation of god's law, and according to god's law sexual violence is awarded with the death penalty for all the men who have consented and allowed sexual torture to be inflicted in innocent women and girls as well as the perpetrator's. Brahmanas and military men have excluded many Vedic Laws that protect women including the death penalty for sexual violence/ sexual torture. This military men and the Brahmanas have excluded all the religious vedic laws that assure the protection and care of women in order for this men to avoid being convicted for financial, verbal, emotional, physical, mental, spiritual abuse and being sentence with the death penalty for torturing women sexually and teaching all the young men in the world that hurting women is legal . I want to make you aware that whomever sentences this sexual offenders and their supporters to the death penalty he or she does not receive karmic retribution but rather they are awarded medals of honor according to Vedic Scriptures. Once this offenders are executed and their souls leave their bodies. Yama, the lord of death will judge their souls severely. I promise.
If you notice most of the news agencies always fail to report or give the names of the commanding officers such generals and coronels that allow and support the sexual torture of women and little girls in conflict zones. Humanity has degraded to such as low and ignorant level where it has become complaisant of sexual torture and it has allowed the military to commit this horrendous acts for centuries. To all the youth out there who read this message board, I promise you, that the military is not allowed to hurt anyone or anything, their job is to keep humanity safe, to take care of the earth and the animals, and to educate everyone about the science of god, the science of Krsna so that every human being is able to become superrich in the spiritual world.
Most if not all of us have been taught we should mind our own business and not to get involve in everyone else's business but we are very much involve in everything that happens to everyone in the world because we are all one, just like the military has achieved "Oneness" as a world corporation. We the human race are all "One".
god is the reason why we have air, water and fire to sustain or physical existence, god is the reason why the earth rotates, god is everything Lord Krsna is the minerals and elements that you are using to create your weapons and space ships, your computers, your cellphones. This earth is the kingdom of god, god adores all women in the same in all planetary systems of all races he provided everything that women needed to take care of themselves, pure love, free food, free land, free education "the science of Krsna" and so much more , and yet in this planet earth this greedy hateful women beating envious military and Brahmana men have stolen everything from women and taking it for themselves using the worse kind of abuse and torture " sexual violence".
This is not the kingdom for sick perverse thugs who have given themselves the authority to hurt and kill and to teach the youth of all the countries to continue to hurt peace loving human being whose natural desire is to become super rich in the spiritual world . This Brahmana people and their military buddies have inflicted the worst unforgiving torture into the bodies, minds, and souls of women. The sexual assaults that this Ethiopian women have suffered and are suffering right now, are sexual assaults that this military people have inflicted in all women kind. I promise you.
the Military is suppose to make sure that not a single woman or little girl is being hurt, and that they are all given the proper education, " the science of god" "the science of Krsna", that all women are given the proper care and the proper living accommodations so that they are able to evolve and become super rich in the spiritual world, but instead, this thugs in uniform consent and support sexual violence against women especially if they are not Caucasian.
This military men have done everything imaginable to sabotage the connection of all human beings with god "Krsna" at his lotus feet. Including, distorting the sacred writings and have given themselves the authority to do whatever they want to women and little girls. The Lord gave men the responsibility to care and protect women even if this women are not their wives or daughters or biological families.
This miliary people have done their best to fool everyone into believing that the Chinese military is the enemy of the US military, and that the Russian Military is the enemy of the US Military, and that the troops and militia in Tigray were acting without the consent and supervision of NATO, the US military, Chinese Military, Russian Military and the reality is that they are all allies experimenting with humanity, allowing this massive horrible rapes even training women to allow themselves to be raped. And, they could care less if anyone gets kill or dies, and all the soldiers that they recruit are their toys, that they can sacrifice with no problem.
It is a known fact that love is the nourishing force of life and that is what women represent, women is what hold all the universes together, women are the fabric of creation, women is what kundalini energy is. Women is the reason why there is a ozone layer on this planet. It is a known fact that all life grows with love and care. When you deliberately hurt something or someone in this world it creates a karmic reaction to everything else (kind of like the butterfly effect) because we are all connected. We are all "ONE". We have been told the same thing over again, we have been told that we are one universal family, and it is evident that most of humanity is suffering from a severe mental illness and it has adapted to allow and support violence against women as something to be expected and normal.
Even today, preachers continue to ignore the awful massacres and sexual torture that are happening in the third world countries and all the sexual violence against women and little girls that is produced and distributed in Japan, the United States, Europe, and other countries that this military men have orchestrated , and this Brahmana just preach about the importance of Israel and the jews and everywhere else these men can continue to rape and hurt women and destroy the earth. Ignoring the fact that we are all god's children. Ignoring the fact hurting other living entities creates awful problems for all humans. Extremely beautiful vegetarian will like to apologize to all the African people who have suffer so much at the mercy of this extremely ignorant sick perverse military racists bigots who think that they are god, and that they will not be held accountable for hurting so many women and little girls all over the world. I promise you that the Lord forbids any form of violence against any living entities and when these men leave their incarnation the judgement that awaits for them is horrifying unlike any horror movie that the current entertainment industry has ever produced.
Creating violence and pain for ourselves and others is not normal. It may take many years for most of us to understand this truth, it may take half of your life, it may take you 90 years, or it may take you 110 years but the good news is that you were not born into this world to hurt anyone or anything.
This brahmanas and military men who have their pineal glands activated can track anyone and see who is doing what to whom, including who is using biological weapons and who created the biological weapons Covid-19 and the HIV-Virus, that this military people created in laboratories and then they use all the media and ways of communication that they control to announce that this viruses originate from animals such bats and monkeys. These men have all technology that they created for their defense systems for their war games. It is easy for them to prevent and to see when attacks against women and girls are taken place and they can help prevent this assaults or even send the expensive women beating NATO, or the few the proud the marines to arrest all of this men in Ethiopia but instead they look the other way because that is what this male military people do to women and some of this ignorant men who identify themselves as Brahmanas may even go as far as to say "Well! That's their karma!" ( in regards to women getting raped or abused in any way shape or form) I promise you that violence against women has the most severe consequences for your human evolution and for your after life, and although, you may continue to own a multi million dollar industries, and you may own many expensive homes, cars, lands, jets, boats, and you may even have a space station, or you may have a rank of general this reality is temporary, and the following incarnations that you will experience will not be same. For every action there is an equal reaction.
According to the law of god it is the duty of Brahmanas to make sure that everyone in the community where they are serving is safe and taking care of with the support of the military. But instead this male Brahmanas and their envy and hate for women, have religiously allowed the rape and abuse of women and they have even legalized prostitution and placed young girls in brothels for the use of their male buddies. Instead, of building homes for women, so that they are able to have stability in their life and be able to reach their full potential as parts and parcels of god who deserve to become super rich in the spiritual world instead of raping themselves by having illicit sex. When you understand god, and you love god, above all else money property and prestige he in turn gives you the mystical gift of self love that protects you from allowing yourself to hurt yourself by having illicit sex..
It is the duty of the Brahmanas to make sure that they educate the military and teach this men and women about the science of god, the science of Krsna and that the military is used to protect the earth, women, children, and the lower animals instead of protecting the interest of the male buddies who finance their wars the corporations that profit out of all the chaos and violence and viruses that they create in order to continue to exploit the natural resources of continents such as Africa.
This male Brahmanas, military, and their scientist have known very well what happens when you inflict severe trauma into women's sexual organs, they know that this horrific attacks is the perfect and most efficient way to disable women and render them powerless and make them extremely insecure and to cause them to become mentally ill. By programming rape and violence into women for centuries has secured the financial maintenance for sick perverse men who are absolutely sure that they are god, and they have created the laws to protect them and that allows them to hurt women . Some women think "Well, that is happening in Africa, and that is not my problem!", but the reality is that when one woman suffers the whole world suffers. When one woman is sexually tortured, all women are sexually tortured. We are all connected, and although, in this current incarnation, some of us may be, African American, Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Pleiadean, Marsian, Arthurian, Aryan, and all other celestial races our souls are the same color and we emanate from the same place, Krsna!
In Africa when women make a conscious effort to activate their kundalini energy, or their kundalini energy begins to activate through their religious practice this hateful envious military men who have their kundalini activated accuse women of having sex with demons, and pursue to inflict severe trauma to their sexual organs, their root chakra where the kundalini energy resides in order to destroy women's connection to Lord Krsna the supreme creator of all that is, the maintainer of all universes Lord of Lords the spiritual world at his lotus feet. In this article we have an African medical doctor who works with the "One World Military" spreading fear about women connecting with Lord Krsna the supreme controller, lord of lords, all that is, proprietor of all planetary systems This is the type of malicious male military attacks have caused so many women and little girls in Africa to be sexually assaulted and have their genitals mutilated. These military men use Stella Immanuel an "African woman" to be their spokes person for their harmful cruel bullying of women all over the world.
Here we have His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhuda at his lotus feet blessed by his grace he is sitting down and his Kundalini energy is awakened and he is having the same experience that women have when their kundalini is activated. According to the male Brahmana who teaches the "one world military men" His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivendata Srila Prabhupada at his lotus feet is also having sex with demons and he is also being injected with demon sperm having sex with incubus sacubus at night, he has many spirit "husbands", he has many spirit wives and he has sex with the nephlim and so much much more but in this case His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada is a man, and according to this Brahmana men he has the right to have sex with demons and can be injected with demon sperm, and have demon babies, and have sex with incubus succubus, and he can have sex with spirit husbands, and spirit wives, the nephilin and other demons but women have to be sexually tortured and slandered as witches, and forced to be used as sacred prostitutes when men find out that their kundalini energy is activated. they have to be taught to be men's sexual objects and men have the right to have illicit sex with women forcefully inject their sperm into women leave them pregnant, and men can move on to have more illicit sex and continue to impoverish women and thus ruin this entire civilization.
This Brahmana, military, and scientist men know very well. that when the kundalini energy activated in the human body is the opportunity for men and women to consciously achieve god realization and that all master yogis, every spiritual master or gurudevas, priests had or are having sex with demons, incubus succubus, spirit husbands, the nephilim and so much much more, they have demon babies. they have spirit wives and spirit husbands, and this military men have chosen to demonize this divine process to suit their perverse psychopathic nature and continue to ruthlessly beat up on women and little girls because they are absolutely sure that they are greater then Lord Krsna the supreme personality of godhead cause of all causes and all that is who loves women, His divine beloved children. Here in this book The Lotus Sutra Chapter 11 "Emergence of the treasure tower" the same process of god realization is explained and all the transcendental phenomena that a human being possesses when he or she becomes in tune with the divine through her kundalini awakening and the practice of bhakti yoga. The "one world military" has demonized this process, and has even gone as far as diagnosing this connection with Lord Krsna/ Krsna Consciousness as a mental illness.
Current scientist, military, and Brahmana men who have their kundalini energy activated also have sex with demons and they have husband spirits, and husband wives the nephilim and so much more, they are being injected with demon sperm and they are having demon babies, they are having sex with incubus sacubus and according to this brahmana and the military people that they have educated this process is perfectly fine because they are "men" and they are superior then women, and this process is not okay for women because women are inferior and stupid some of this ignorant brahmana men go on to say, that women are having demon sex to be more powerful then they are, and this is why they allow the sexual torture women and violence, this is why they rape women and mutilate their genitals. The Difference between His Divine Grace Bhativedanta Srila Prabhupada at his lotus feet and this "One World Military" is that he is using his divine connection with Lord Krsna for the purpose of god realization through the process of Bhakti Yoga, that teaches us that we are servants of Lord Krsna. Lord Krsna is Christ Consciousness, Bhakti Yoga teaches us to surrender to god, and when you we surrender to god, we realize that we are not here to hurt anyone or anything and this is the way that we are all able to become super rich in the spiritual world and the "One World Military" uses their connection with Lord Krsna to fool themselves into believing that they are god, and that they have zero accountability for their actions, and that there is no karmic retribution they have proceeded to destroy life and completely sabotage the connection that humanity has with Lord Krsna, Christ Consciousness by distorting the teachings, and allowing and supporting sexual torture of women and little girls in every country and the massive killing of lower animals such as cows and bulls, and the ruthless exploitation and contamination of planet earth. All women in this planet are victims of this mentally ill, sick perverse men and we are being held hostage by psychopaths. We are being forced to serve as sex slaves for this awful bullies with weapons. We have been force to adapt to their horrible abuse.
All this male brahmana, military and scientists in India, in Europe, In Africa, in the United States and have known very well, that this type of horrible torture inflicted into women's root chakra keeps women under their control and prevents women from achieving liberation from the world of suffering. The military men in the United States conduct the same form of slander that leads to sexual violence and they conduct energetic attacks to women's root chakra. This military men have succeeded to legalize sexual assault through the pornographic entertainment industry, and the entertainment industry and the legalization and support of prostitution that have religiously educated men that they can sexually assault women, and that women love to be sexually assaulted. Fortunately in the United States women have fought very hard to protect themselves from this perverse sadistic brahmana and military men and some of this military men that work in federal agencies have been force to protect women.
This Brahmana people and the military have domesticated women by legally teaching them to allow themselves to be raped, and that rape is "hot sex!". I can assure you that the little girls and the women in Ethiopia do not think that rape is "hot sex!" This Brahmana people have made their life career to program the false believes that god prefers men, and, that women are stupid and inferior, and that a woman should pray to give birth to sons instead of girls, until this day most women allow themselves to be raped by having one night stands with strangers, until this day, women allow themselves to be raped in order to have a place to live or to have food, or some kind of protection, if you have illicit sex you are getting rape make no mistake about that. In the Sastras this misogynistic men have made themselves god and scared everyone, and have more less curse anyone that questions what they have written to protect their self interest. I promise you, that their curses are impotent, and this is the reason why they allow women to be raped and abuse and consent to rape, verbal abuse, mental abuse, and spiritual abuse as method of domestication and oppression.
There is no excuse what so ever, as to why today, women are still being allowed to be hurt in African countries! If you notice what took place in Ethiopia and Urganda was not broadcast in the daily news, like the current Ukraine and Russian war. The technology that god gave the military allows the military to prevent any form of crime in the most remote areas such as South Sudan, and other African nations. Why is the Russian military wasting it's time fighting in Ukraine when it can become super rich in the spiritual world . It's so easy for the Russian Military to send some soldiers to Ethiopia and arrest and persecute all those rapist in Ethiopia since NATO is not interested in keeping it's promises, but instead Russia, insists in wasting it's time playing around in Ukraine.
There was a time that when mothers cried out for help pleading to stop the music industry producers from producing music that made their children commit crimes, most of us thought, well that is ridiculous, that is not true, they are young let them be young, but now, that we have gotten older and we have being able to witness how much more violence there is and how the military has made sure that the music industry continues to produce music that teaches and inspires the youth to be sexually violent and abuse women and little girls, and to commit other crimes, we have changed our mind. We understand that the human mind is very sensitive and can be programmed to do wonderful things and the most horrible absence things.
According to the military humanity is suppose to learn how to hurt others in order to not be a loser in life however according to the law of god, we are definitely not born in to this world to hurt anyone or anything. We are here to simply occupy our present body for short period of time, maintain it as healthy as we can while serving god, and if we want to have any form of sex we do so with our husband or wife. our life time partner, and we don't get divorce, and this why we have to take our time choosing our partners and we do not have any form of illicit sex whatsoever because obeying the laws of god is what guarantees our souls eternal after life and gives us the opportunity to become super rich in the spiritual world. According to the law of god, we get many opportunities to make things right, being kind, compassionate, merciful and forgiving gives us another opportunity to incarnate in another human body and to continue our souls journey. Imagine how severe of crime it to intentionally use and allow sexual torture in little girls and women, whose natural instinct is to be innocent. loving, the sweet servant of god. This rebellion of lying to oneself and deceiving others into thinking that when we die our life is over needs to stop immediately because this is the reason why we have gotten into this mess, and why most people in this world are sick and tired.
The "One World Military" controls the music industry and the other entertainment industry including facebook, google, twitter, and the other online media, and they have done an excellent job at damaging the minds of all young people. There is no good excuse as to why American people are allowing the production of entertainment programming that continues to teach children our future generations all over the world on how to continue to hurt women. Let me set the record straight men do not have the right to hurt or to educate others on how to hurt women, and this rebellious and immoral disregard for god's mandates has destroyed this civilization.
Fortunately, there is god a beautiful god, merciful god, the god of all gods, the god that all gods love very much Lord Krsna at his lotus feet and is about time that all these awful violence against women is terminated. You have raped us long enough! You have made us liked to be raped! You have taught us that is perfectly fine to rape ourselves! You have taught everyone in the world that raping women is legal. Illicit sex is rape according to the law of god.
Right now, the male run entertainment industry machine continues to produce massive programming of violence against women as if this is what is normal and this what the military has ordered the Hollywood Moguls to create violent programming that damages the human mind and keeps it at the intelligence level lower than the intelligence of a pig or dog . Let me assure you that your creator Lord Krsna the one that you, envy, the one that you are making everyone believe that he is a "Myth" or "insignificant hindu god" is the reason why right now, we are still able to be in human bodies, and not in the bodies of dogs, and pigs. Lord Krsna is giving you an order to "STOP!" hurting women in any way shape or form!!! "STOP!" allowing the massive programming of violence against women to take place!" "STOP allowing women to be raped and abuse in third world countries!"
All the sastras, and holy books have been intentionally distorted by this educated business men who sometimes put on robes and they have excluded a lot things mostly the great importance of women and why Lord Krsna adores them just like he adores the cows but this men insist in portraying women as sex objects, prostitutes and as people that are meant to be used , abused, and enjoyed, and dismissed, this men have refused to educate their fellow men about the science of Krsna, so that men can understand god, and themselves, and why they are committing the worst form of spiritual suicide by ruthlessly hurting women. It is safe to say that this men have forced women to be their financial maintainers, sex slaves and their punching bags long enough, and this is the reason why plagues, calamities, and massive ruin is falling upon us.
It is safe to say that all women in every country are being force to obey this perverse men who have destroyed our civilization and prevented the human race from becoming a peaceful, loving, prosperous inter stellar human race that is qualified to become rich in the spiritual world. We are being forced by men with weapons including biological weapons to submit and adapt to their perverse behavior otherwise our lives are legally and illegally ruined.
The human race has suffered more than it needed to and now we are beyond repair.
The goal of all religions is to surrender to Lord Krsna the Bhagavan the supreme pure love that exists in all of us. And only God will deliver us from this mess nothing else.
For all our readers, extremely beautiful vegetarian strongly recommends for you to focus in getting connected with god. let's all pray that we don't ever have to return to this horrible reality and that god is merciful with us at the time of our death and that we don't have to suffer horrible pain that make us forget how much we love HIM.
at the lotus feet of srimati rhadarani, at the lotus feet of Lord Nithyananda Prabhu at the Lotus feet of Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu my Lord and Savior!
Jai! Sri Krsna!
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