Saturday, April 15, 2023

Varuthini Ekadashi Has begun- Let this ekadashi help you remove all the unwanted things "anarthas"that have attached to you and cause you pain and suffering!


Last minute snacks...

There are so many things that can attach to you with out your consent just like viruses and bacterias  to show you WHO is boss. People can also down grade to a parasitic  level even if they appear to be very cool and have lots of things and stuff and they are considered to be super rich  and may have mystical abilities  such as their pineal gland activated or able to created technology that allows humans to travel to other planets  anything that creates suffering for the earth for lower animals and for other people and other planetary races is considered parasitic or it can fall in the category of "unawanted things"  and  is destined to complete failure. 

Here is a list of five kinds of Anarthas "unwanted things" that brings failure to human being.

  1. Avidyā is the tendency to consider unreal objects as real, temporary objects as permanent such as thinking the body to be the self. This ignorance is beginningless (anādi) and is the cause-less cause of the jīva’s eternal existence in the material world.
  2. Avidyā (the tendency to mis-construe unreal as real or untruth as truth) gives rise to asmitā (asmi-tā) = attachment of one’s ego to one’s current body or ‘I-ness’ in relation to that body.
  3. Asmitā (attachment to the current body) gives rise to rāga = intense desire for accumulating material sense objects, i.e. attachment to those objects
  4. Rāga gives rise to dveṣa = the desire to remove (i.e. hatred for) any obstacle to accumulating the sense objects.
  5. Avidyā also gives rise to abhiniveśa = fear of death i.e. fear of the body’s destruction.

When you have a chance to sit and meditate on what is parasitic in your life  and in your environment then know that the Lord can remove all this unwanted things from you, and remember that the  proprietor of this planet is  Lord Sri Krsna the supreme personality of god head cause of all causes and all that is and that the role of a human being is to be  a loving care taker of the earth and the servant of god. If you have been taught that you are god, do your best to change your mind right now! Let this Ekadashi be the removal of all "unaanted things"   Sri Krsna Chaitanya is my lord and savior


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