Know that your current life is temporary and just because of the fact that you are occupying a human body is like winning the Powerball lottery Jackpot! We are all victims of an act of providence that has removed our awareness with our eternal connection with god and this separation has made all of us become unappreciative and rebellious against ourselves and our own evolution. Fighting with one another and sabotaging one another's spiritual growth by cursing one another, finding faults in one another, slandering one another keeps a soul going down a downward spiral.
Even though this society teaches us to compete with one another by hurting each other, the lower animals, the earth in order to get things and stuff to enjoy you have the chance to choose to be super rich for eternity in the spiritual world. This reality is a perverse version of the spiritual world. Know, that your soul has lived in other galaxies, in other planets with other families and friends and that somehow we all got here. Some human beings know that this earth serves as an opportunity to make a quantum leap away from this material universes, but if you happen to like to incarnate into this material universes give yourself the chance to be born in a kind, compassionate, loving god fearing family by being absolutely aware and accountable for everything that you do for yourself and for others because what you do, really does matter at the end. Being blessed to be born in a good god fearing family will reinstate you with the true reality of why you are in this world. The parents role in a child's life is to guide her or him to the spiritual world and help their child's soul to leave this reality of suffering and achieve the ultimate goal of life, which is god realization, make no mistake about that. -Sri Krsna Is My Lord and Savior!
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