Saturday, April 29, 2023

Last Minute snacks! Mohini Ekadashi begins -08:28 PM tomorrow 30th of April for the hardcore devotees who want go to the spiritual planets the Vikunthas far away from all material universes!

What anyone thinks or says about you does not matter! the only thing that matters is what "god" Lord Sri Krsna the supreme personality of godhead cause of all causes and all that is thinks about you and says about you! 

think about all the time you have wasted being programmed to believed that this reality is the only reality that matters, and that there is no "god"  and that we can go on behaving like monkeys and dogs in human bodies. This is a temporary reality, and once you let go of your physical vessel, you have a chance to never have to come back to this reality , and if you must come back again, follow emperor Parishit example, when he was ready to let go of his physical vessel, even a great honorable king like him, did not know whether or not he was going to make it to the Vikuntha planets so his request to the Lord, was to please if he must come back to this physical realm then he would really appreciate being born around someone who is devotee of the Lord.

Everything we do matters! everything! it really pays to stay in a place of integrity, it really pays to mean what you say, and to practice what you preach! It pays big time, to do your best to not hurt anyone or anything! like say for instance, if you don't have anything good to say about someone, don't say anything at all. And, if you must say something about someone make sure you are truthful and that the reason why you say something about someone is because you want to give your side of the story, not because you are attempting to compete with that person  in order to be innovating and popular. Remember the truth will set you free!

When you look at the sunrise and at the sunset know that you are looking at god, and that the sun planet is the home for other living entities who have families too, and they are very much part of our lives! When you look at the moon, know, that the moon is god, and that in the moon there also families who live there, and they are very much part of our lives! there are living entities in all the planets that you know of, and other planets that you don't know of,  the earth is god, and we are like tiny little ants with big egos crawling all over it making so many problems for ourselves and for all other entities who share this planet earth with us , Everything that you do right now will determine what your after life will be and where you will born again!

-Sri Krsna Chaitanya is My Lord and savior!

Jai! Sri! Krsna!

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