There is so much to meditate on!
So, what do me do with all this male military and their male scientists who think that they are god? men who are experts at distorting our reality! men who are experts at controlling the news, media, entertainment, your education, your mental health, your emotional health, physical health, men who are experts at inflicting the worse kinds of traumas into women's bodies, minds, and psychic in order to sabotage her and everyone in the world connection with the absolute truth/ god the supreme personality of godhead cause of all causes and all that is Lord Sri Krsna!
Well, Just forgive them , love anyways, and love yourself more ! there is nothing that you can do to stop what has already been done or to stop what they will do against everyone's wishes and then continue to cover everything up with very smart deceit and educated lies to force you to comply with counterfeited fear and force. If you think for one moment that your vote counts you are wrong! if you think for a moment that the people who are managing your governments are the one's who are calling the shots you are wrong! If you believe that the military is not directly involve in all the current horrible chaos that is happening in every country in the the world and if you doubt that they will "NOT" continue to experiment with you then you are in for a very rude awakening.
Surrendering yourself to god, and knowing that you are His servant being around people who are god fearing . People who know without a doubt that whatever you do to others comes back to you and knowing that there is a realm of "hell" that is worse than this world will keep you "Safe" this practice of awareness is a very good way to "Stay Safe, Right Now!" Fear of god is a very good way for you to make a quantum leap out of all this material universes! Don't forget, birth, illness, old age, death is part of this material existence being afraid of death is a trillion dollar industry that we have been forced to support or else.
That science got us in this pit once again! O! King Pit! You are so cool! I really want you to show me who is my boss! You are smarter than me! You are prettier than me! You are so well spoken! You are so impressive! Let me get fake boobs so you like be better! Let me change my face to please you! During War War 2 when millions of Jews faced being experimented on, raped, killed in the concentration camps and yet the rest of the world was forced to comply by ignoring this massive illegal incarcerations and killings done by all of this male military people and their male buddy scientists and lets' not forget the other gruesome horrible genocide of all of those Chinese children, women and men that the Japanese military and their buddy scientists experimented on; the US Military and the rest of the European military and their allies knew where the concentration camps were located with all these innocent people were being illegally imprisoned and yet they waited for all those monstruous and agonizing experimentations "clinical trials" to be conducted on Asian women, children and men before they made their next move.
The male government administrators of that time supported and allowed that massive genocide to happen to the Jews because it was part of their very well planned male militarized unified war games and not only after all that research was done on men. women and children ( just like the current research that is being gathered from the COVID-19 men made plague and those retarded forced vaccinations that are being given to people left and right along with that misinformation campaign that makes no sense whatsoever created by Pharma to bully non-vaccinated people with accusations that non vaccinated people are responsible for transmitting the COVID-19 virus in the meantime gathering all that juicy information that is being evaluated right now from all the studies of our behavior during the pandemic lockdown and the affects that their men made virus has in our bodies mixed with their disgusting vaccines made with body parts) then that very strategic unified "One World Military" gave that order to conduct that very ridiculous attacked on Pearl Harbor with all those ignorant Japanese soldiers polluting the pacific waters with all that air plane debris followed by another very smart nuclear nuking that made Hiroshima into a parking lot just for fun, just to see what happens.
This men literally think that when we die everything is over , and at this point it really does not matter what they think, but it really does matter what you out there do for yourself; find a group of people that you can connect with religiously because even if we are intentionally plagued again or that we are slowing being roasted with lethal radiation from 5G towers in our neighborhoods, and through your cellphones and our waters and veggies and fruits are being polluted on purpose to make us more sick so that we develop diseases and buy more drugs, and that this "One World Military" has prepared you to accept human chipping and digital currencies, what matters now more than ever is your individual connection with a god of your understanding.
This is not the time to be drinking alcohol, this is not the time to be using mind altering drugs, this not the time to be having illicit sex, this is not the time to be stealing anyone's belongings or lands or artifacts or anything, this not the time to be eating meat from the bodies where souls were sentenced to incarnate into souls that suffer horrible pain emotional, psychological and mental pain. This is not the time to be hurting anyone for any reason whatsoever! This is not the time to be killing anyone or anything! Don't forget that your creator Lord Sri Krsna the supreme personality of godhead cause of all causes and all that is has blessed you and your family your friends and all the strangers you see around you with a human body because We must have done something right, in our previous life, and we were all chosen to be incarnated into a human body, and this current life that we are living is the preparation for our next life either on this planet earth or other planets, or in the spiritual world. This is the time for you to make a quantum leap and know for a fact that there will be some souls that will be left behind, and where ever they end up, is not your problem, there is nothing you can do about it!
know that taking god's name in vain will keep you locked in the cycle of horrible suffering, witnessing the most horrible events or being drag into all sorts of problems created by yourself or by others. Know that all of our big involuntary mistakes can be very easily extinguished by the fire of repentance when we sincerely reinstate our connection with the Lord. The moment that you are born into to this world you are victim of all sorts of miseries and there is nothing that you can do to not experience some kind of problem but knowing the science of god, the science of Krsna will help you make this life more tolerable for yourself for your family, and for all your friends / We can't do this journey of god realization alone because so much damage has been done to the human mind that you will always find people to discourage you from loving and serving god and trusting that this all His divine plan and that things will get better if you stay safe. We have all been fooled and forced to believe that there is no god, and this is the reason why things are so messed up right now! but you out there can make things right! Stay safe! "Stay Safe, Right Now!" -Sri Krsna Chaitanya is My Lord and Savior! Glory Praise the Lord! Jai! Sri Krsna!
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