We are too busy to be chasing you around! You have our direct contact information. we will assist you with the supervising process of shutting down the slaughter houses, let's clean this mess up and do was Karmically right for this civilization. Money should not be an issue here. if you are merciful with all your brothers and sisters the cows, the chickens, the fish, etc. Krsna will be merciful with if you are merciful will all your brothers and sisters. the torture of animals, and the Meat eating of their bodies is the root cause of plagues, mental illness, physical illness. wars. And you can take that to the bank!
As you are well aware all the religions of the world originate in Krsna, through our sacred scriptures "sastras." the defilement and deterioration of our current civilization is a direct result of what happens when we disobey Lord Krsna's merciful instructions as to how to live as human beings and how to govern as rulers as written and orally transmitted through our sacred scriptures "Sastras". I am sure that we can all agree that things have gotten out of hand, and although, this world is meant for us to expiate karma through the experience of reincarnation, there is no reason whatsoever why you can't do your best to give yourselves the opportunity to merge with the divinity within you through Krsna's consciousness. Give yourself and the people of this world the chance to receive the light of Bhakti. This is a good time for us to evolve and experience peace.
The physical body was given to us by Lord Krsna in order for us to experience the spiritual life, and to fall madly in love with Him. You were hired as government rulers to care and to protect the people that you govern. We all make mistakes and you can become the best rulers.
If you are in this world right now, that means that you made a lot of mistakes. This civilization and this world will continue to exist while we continue to incarnate into different bodies for 432, 000 years in the era of Kali Yuga, out of 432, 000 years we have barely scratched the surface, we completed only 5,000 years out of 432,000 years. Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu's mercy started the golden age, that will last 10,000 years, we are at that time, you and everyone in the world can hear the sound and vibration and have the opportunity to chant the Maha Mantra hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare. This is the time to take a leap into something more meaningful and loving as a civilization, going where no man has gone before without a spaceship, all the citizens of this world deserve to have their own farms so they can grow their food and live peaceful as vegetarians if they desire to continue to eat; have children in Krsna's Consciousness, raise loving intelligent human beings. There is absolutely no reason why, 10 million Ukrainians have been displaced, nor thousands of Guatemalans have risk their lives and their children's lives to be given a chance to enter the United States. Every country has what it needs to sustain a dignified life for all it's citizens, there is no reason for the Covi-19 virus to have forced all us into lockdown, and there was no reason for HIV virus to take so many lives, there is no reason for the current war that is taking place between Russia an Ukraine , there is no reason for this miseries other than our karmic retribution for eating our brothers and sisters and allowing them to be brutally tortured. Meat eating is an abominable act, the worst possible thing to do as a human being is to eat a Cow, or anything with eyes and a face ! please understand this fact of life.
There is a lot more time to experience more suffering during Kali Yuga, allow the people that you govern to understand Krsna and therefore understand themselves; this is your change to move on to higher planets or continue to sentence yourselves to millions of years of incarnating into lower species if you continue to eat your brothers and sisters, you will fall into the body of the cow, the piece of steak that you are eating, will be a part of your dead body, you will fall into the body of the pig, that piece of bacon and sausage that you are eating will one day be a part of your dead body, you will fall into the body of the lobster that you are eating and experienced being boiled alive. you will make your way back to a human being after millions of years, and make your way over to higher planets after thousands of years later after paying your karmic dues, or you can Get Out and Go Home to Krsna in this lifetime. It is with the deepest love and compassion that we are once again reminding you what your job is as rulers, knowing without a doubt that you already know this. Stop torturing your brothers and sisters! and stop eating them! and things will get better for all of us.
Meat eating and torturing your brothers and sisters the cows, the pigs, the chicken, the fish etc.. will keep you and the people that you govern in the cycle of reincarnation destined to experience horrible karmic retribution this fact is shown in the images that you see below, the cows that are being murdered used to be human beings either a woman or man, the two men that are killing them in cold blood will one day incarnate into the body of a cow and will be killed in the same way that they are killing the cows that you see in those images, this is a fact of life. The law of cause and effect in this world is severe. I know this very well. I can't change that. Even if I wanted to change that, I can't because is written in our Sacred Scriptures the "Sastras".
We wish you a good day today as you begin the planning stages of shutting down the slaughter houses. We realize that this is a big project and you have the skills and intelligence to make it happen today.
At the Lotus feet of Srila Bhaktialoka Paramadvaiti Maharaja At the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada At the Lotus Feet of Srimati Rhadarani!
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