Hare Krsna
To Whom it Might Concern at our beloved PetA;
Please accept our most sincere reverences!
I wanted to let you know that we posted the link to your PetA's website here: www.extremelybeautifulvegetarian.org
We are a Vaishnavan religious society by the name of Vrinda Parivar.
we practice strict Vegetarianism, our gurudeva Srila Bhaktialoka Paramadvaiti Maharaja has been an advocate for animal rights earth rights , women rights, indigenous people rights while preaching about the greatness of lord Krsna for 50 years in South American, Central America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe.
He has recently become under attack by members of Christian groups that infiltrated our religious society in South America, and they have made very damaging false allegations about him in regards to sexual misconduct of women; this Christian actors have been hired by corporations that insist in destroying the Amazonas to make more room to raise cattle ; Srila Bhaktialoka Paramadvaiti Maharaja would have been put in jail by his devotees if in fact he had disrespected women. (this act of aggression will Not stop us from continuing to advocate for the shutdown of slaughter houses, and the protection of natural resources, and the right for indigenous people to preserve their lands). We have a group of lawyers in South America that are working to resolve this matter.
We also have a very popular publication here:
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